Ok so my old source who i got the cycle i am currently on from was a night mare without getting into details i binned my shit and am coming off cycle at week five. i was going to finish the bottle i am on and be done till next time. i pinned this morning and other felt weird almost like it burned when the pin went in i had to pin twice because i thought something might be wrong the first time. i just got out of work about 10 hours later and walking home it felt like i had a splinter or piece of glass in my leg. i get home and it is red around the spots i pinned but not alot just a small circle around the site and it kinda looks like i stabbed it with a sewing needle or something and of i rub it then it feels like i have a piece of glass in there. pinning never gets red or hurts for me any idea as to what this could be if anything?