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Thread: Igf1lr3 cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    West Coast Desert Rat

    Igf1lr3 cycle

    I want to venture into the peptides after several hours of looking into them tonight. Just had a few questions as I am new to them.


    Week 1-8: igf1lr3 at 40mcg pinned ED

    I have a few weeks left on my test p/npp cycle. Then in 3 months I will be running test p/ tren a. I wanted to run this in between my cycles. Is this a good idea? Maybe start around PCT? Is dose ok? Is this a good starting Peptide? Does it need to be run with test or is that just optimal?

    This stuff is expensive! Is there a way I could get good results of two 1mg bottles? I will likely go to our site sponsor unless someone suggests otherwise..

    Thanks ladies and gentlemen

  2. #2
    I haven't found igf-lr3 to be worth the money. I ran two cycles and very little to no gains.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    West Coast Desert Rat
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I haven't found igf-lr3 to be worth the money. I ran two cycles and very little to no gains.
    Where did you get it from. I find many people swear by it. Also I have read that if you naturally produce this at levels then supplementing won't do much.. Something Rich Piana said.

  4. #4
    I got mine from a good source. Same source I get my HGH and have been getting AAS from them for over 6 years so I'm pretty confident of my sources. If you search on this site you see two train of thought on igf. One school says it's crap another says it works great. The thing is that there vets, really experienced guys, that are saying it's crap. I ran two cycles and it was... ok. For what I spent on the igf, I would have gotten better results if I ran another cycle of Test. I think you should run igf and form an opinion on your own.

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I got mine from a good source. Same source I get my HGH and have been getting AAS from them for over 6 years so I'm pretty confident of my sources. If you search on this site you see two train of thought on igf. One school says it's crap another says it works great. The thing is that there vets, really experienced guys, that are saying it's crap. I ran two cycles and it was... ok. For what I spent on the igf, I would have gotten better results if I ran another cycle of Test. I think you should run igf and form an opinion on your own.
    Agreed, ive spent thousands on LR3 and it was total rubbish, wasn't worth the syringe let alone the money I spent on it. I know plenty of top bodybuilders who have used and most never touch it again. Spend your money on GH and AAS because this peptide is all hype IMHO.

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