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Thread: Test Prop/Primo/Masteron/Winstrol/Anavar Cycle

  1. #1

    Test Prop/Primo/Masteron/Winstrol/Anavar Cycle

    Hey guys, I've been planning on running this cycle. I weigh 210 at 5'9'', I'm currently at 14% BF. This is my 3rd cycle:

    Week 1-12: Arimidex 1mg/EOD
    Week 1-12: Primobolan 150mg/EOD
    Week 1-12: Masteron 150mg/EOD
    Week 1-12: Test Prop 200mg/EOD
    Week 6-12: Anavar 80mg/ED
    Week 6-12: Winstrol 100mg/EOD
    Week 8-12: HCG 500iu/E3D
    Week 8-12: Nolvadex 40/40/40/40

    Week 1-6: Nolvadex 40/40/40/20/20/20
    Week 1-4: .25mg Arimidex + 100mg Clomid

    Please share your thoughts.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Phuket Thailand/Brooklyn
    Looks pretty complicated. I've never heard of anyone recommending Nolva and adex at the same time. What are your goals? Have you used all these compounds before? Kind of heavy for your 3rd cycle. You could drop a couple of those and still get the same results if you eat right.

  3. #3
    Im looking to put on some more size while keeping BF% low, I've used everything except Anavar. Which compounds do you think I should drop and why ? I'm thinking maybe drop the Winstrol and stick with Anavar.

    Thanks for your help.
    Last edited by Owais624; 01-26-2014 at 06:35 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Phuket Thailand/Brooklyn
    I'm just suggesting you should drop some because I dont think that many compounds are really necessary. Unless you're competing for something. If you're doing it just to look/feel good and be strong, I'd say just stick a couple compounds and eat right. 3rd cycle and you're already taking all that? You get used to doing that many compounds, how are you ever satisfied with just doing a simple test cycle again? I know powerlifters that all they do is 500 mgs a week cycles, twice a year. Different sport but they're actually competing for something. If you're just doing it to look good I think thats just alot of unnesesary compounds. And I've read some people say that if you're taking 80mg of anavar a day, there's a good chance that its not real anavar. IDK though. I've never done var. I don't really wanna tell you what to drop, I just think that you could drop a couple of those. These lean bulk cycles are really popular nowadays. I wouldn't tell anyone to do it unless they want to, but I really like low dose test cycles with either NPP/DECA/Tren. 150mg of test a week, and 300-500 of either NPP/Deca/Tren. Thats what I've been doing. I like it. You gotta pick whatever you like, but I'm just saying you could probably get buy on half of those and be happy with the results as long as your diet is good.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Your cycle is crap, you are at 14% bf, you won't get nothing out of masteron.
    Ok lets start for steps.
    Your dosages seems to be ok.
    But the Idea is to start with test, primo and winstrol. together with a good diet, they'll start to burn some fat, although I suggest you to start out with some clen for the first 4 weeks. then, when you see you're ready and below 10% of fat, you can start wonders with masteron. but I wouldn't drop either primo and wins. but anavar, don't know never used it, but you actually have multiple weak steroids in it, I think var won't give you better results. Its very expensive, I'd buy some more wins, and clen.
    And take in mind, this cycle, will result in a big fail if your diet is not in check.
    Last edited by XxAndreaxX; 01-27-2014 at 03:16 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    If you care for your liver, don't run two orals for 6 weeks.

    Way too many compounds for your third cycle IMO.

    And maybe your avatar pic is misleading, but you don't look 210 @ 5'9".

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Take a step back and reevaluate what you are doing. Way too much for a third cycle and pretty pointless IMO.

  8. #8
    200-300 test prop per week
    400-600 tren ace per week
    add winny when you get to single digit bodyfat.

    You will be much happier with this cycle than the one you have laid out

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Phuket Thailand/Brooklyn
    This bus got really short

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    The poor guy, some tells him to do deca, others to do 600mg of tren, hey don’t drive him crazy.
    First, deca, has nothing to do with the results that this guy wants to achieve. 600mg of tren??? Yes they will do the difference, and for the price you have the best results. I don’t like winstrol + tren, because the results are too simiar. So this guy wants to play it safe, his cycle is ok, it was only built bad and the var was not necessary.
    Without driving this guy crazy, go on with your cicle if that’s what you wish.
    I tell you again
    Test 1-12
    Winstrol 1-12
    Primo 1-12
    Masteron 6-12

    Start with your dosage, but take in mind you might taper up dosage during your cycle.
    And take in mind, with other stronger compounds you might get better results, but you might get in some troubles too.
    I would have some clen and very good diet on hand because if your bf is not under 10%, Masteron will be a waste.
    Best luck

  11. #11
    I got some injectable clen(200mcg/ml) laying around so I'm gonna take your advice and use that to cut some BF then once I'm under 10% I think I will start with a Test Prop/Primo/Winstrol cycle as you mentioned and see how it goes. What are your thoughts on Dianabol to kick start the cycle for 4-6 weeks ? One thing with clen is that its too strong, once I start cutting with it I lose so much size.
    I prefer being at a higher weight since I lift more and feel more powerful generally. Should I go ahead and cut down before cycling ? Clen made me lose a lot of weight.

    Thanks for all the advice guys, I really appreciate it.
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    Last edited by Owais624; 05-10-2014 at 02:49 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    The poor guy, some tells him to do deca, others to do 600mg of tren, hey don’t drive him crazy.
    First, deca, has nothing to do with the results that this guy wants to achieve. 600mg of tren??? Yes they will do the difference, and for the price you have the best results. I don’t like winstrol + tren, because the results are too simiar. So this guy wants to play it safe, his cycle is ok, it was only built bad and the var was not necessary.
    Without driving this guy crazy, go on with your cicle if that’s what you wish.
    I tell you again
    Test 1-12
    Winstrol 1-12
    Primo 1-12
    Masteron 6-12

    Start with your dosage, but take in mind you might taper up dosage during your cycle.
    And take in mind, with other stronger compounds you might get better results, but you might get in some troubles too.
    I would have some clen and very good diet on hand because if your bf is not under 10%, Masteron will be a waste.
    Best luck
    Man, I can't believe you are still here.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Owais624 View Post
    Thanks for your replies, I got some injectable clen(200mcg/ml) laying around so I'm gonna take your advice and use that to cut some BF then once I'm under 10% I think I will start with a Test Prop/Primo/Winstrol cycle as you mentioned and see how it goes. What are your thoughts on Dianabol to kick start the cycle for 4-6 weeks ? One thing with clen is that its too strong, once I start cutting with it I lose so much size. Look at this pic when I cut down to 150lbs on clen! I lost so much muscle.

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    This is how I look right now:
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    I prefer being at a higher weight since I lift more and feel more powerful generally. Should I go ahead and cut down before cycling ?

    Thanks for all the advice guys, I really appreciate it.
    Clen is pretty strong, but you lost WEIGHT (fat and muscle) because your calories were too low. What does your diet look like?

  14. #14
    Anavar, mast and Winstol? Seems pretty pointless man.

    I'm running 16 weeks like this

    Kick started with test prop for a week

    Week 1-8 test e 500mg week
    Week 9-16 test e 750mg a week
    Week 1-8 tren ace 100mg eod
    Week 1-16 EQ 600mg week
    Week 9-16 tbol 40mg ed
    Week 9-16 mast 200mg eod

    Hcg 500iu 2x week

    Currently on week 9 and loving it. Man I wouldn't touch the Winstol or Anavar. I'd diet down to 10 percent the first half of your cycle then run your mast.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Dante Diamond View Post
    Clen is pretty strong, but you lost WEIGHT (fat and muscle) because your calories were too low. What does your diet look like?
    Your right, my calories were too low. I'm gonna run the clen with a solid diet making sure I don't lower calories too much so I can keep more muslce. Once I'm at a low BF% I will start my cycle. Im going to do more research on which compounds to use. Probably gonna stick with Test Prop/Primo/Winstrol cycle and see how it goes. What are your thoughts on Dianabol ?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Dbol is not a bad chioce to kickstart a cutting cycle. I did it last year. You get big fast, so you don’t have to concern later about size. Kickstart clen and Dbol is a good idea IMO, will try the same this year. You have to adjust your daily calories and roids to your goals.
    You won’t get that fast to 10% BF without screwing up something. You can still start your cycle, and go down to 10% and start masteron in week 6. That’s what I would do.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Doesn't primobolan have an enthanate ester attached? Noticed you dosed it for EOD..

    I'd be worried about the potential water retention from dianabol to add it with what you laid out

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX
    Dbol is not a bad chioce to kickstart a cutting cycle. I did it last year. You get big fast, so you don't have to concern later about size. Kickstart clen and Dbol is a good idea IMO, will try the same this year. You have to adjust your daily calories and roids to your goals.
    You won't get that fast to 10% BF without screwing up something. You can still start your cycle, and go down to 10% and start masteron in week 6. That's what I would do.
    Do you think before you open your mouth? Why recommend a compound such as dbol for cutting when it promotes water retention!?! You ramble way too much recommending compounds in cycles that make no sense.

    .....and "what you would do" is NOT what anyone else should do.
    Last edited by MuscleInk; 01-29-2014 at 08:18 AM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Owais624 View Post
    Your right, my calories were too low. I'm gonna run the clen with a solid diet making sure I don't lower calories too much so I can keep more muslce. Once I'm at a low BF% I will start my cycle. Im going to do more research on which compounds to use. Probably gonna stick with Test Prop/Primo/Winstrol cycle and see how it goes. What are your thoughts on Dianabol ?
    I personally like dianabol. But you need to have a good/clean diet and be consistent with your AI dosing because you will retain water (which nobody wants a bloated look, but more importantly, that will jump your BP). For some reason, it seems to always put me in an 'up' and 'positive' mood. Plus, I get better strength gains on dianabol than most other popular compounds. Now, this is ME and may not be the same for YOU.

    Those are my thoughts on dianabol. I'm not entirely sure what your goals are for this cycle, but based on your original cycle layout, I don't think dianabol would suit you.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Do you think before you open your mouth? Why recommend a compound such as dbol for cutting when it promotes water retention!?! You ramble way too much recommending compounds in cycles that make no sense.

    .....and "what you would do" is NOT what anyone else should do.
    Yeah, I think before I open my mouth. But you’re right in one thing, I forgot to say, that it works for me, but I was in a hurry.
    He asked if Dbol could be interesting for his cycle, I say yes, If he had my genetics.
    But I saw his pictures, he’s somehow skinny and If he does that cycle he planned, he won’t get any size.
    Next step, bloated look on Dbol? I did not get any bloated look on Dbol, and anyways if your BF is in check and you dose your AI right, some water retention is welcome. I really don’t know the bloated look, maybe because my diet is so good that I’m never out of my BF range, I love Dbol and test E, I get size and still grainy and hard look. People that get bloated on Dbol or Test E, should check their diet first....
    There's a section, the diet section on this fórum...

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Dagoba System
    I've heard of some people using dbol because of strength for a cutting cycle, I've never done it, but if you're wanting to get ready for summer/comps etc I would wait and see how you respond at a different point, most people seem to bloat up despite diet, tho that could be because they were bulking obv, only once heard of people using it to cut I think....tho, didn't Arnold basically sprinkle it on every meal year round?? (Joking, obv, but I think he used it a lot)

  22. #22
    Okay so I'm back and I'm done with my cycle Got really good results gonna post some pics. This is what my cycle looked like:

    Week 1-6: 50mg Dbol
    Week 1-12: Test P 800mg/wk
    Week 1-12: Tren A 600mg/wk
    Week 6-12 Masteron 600mg/wk
    Week 8-12 Anavar 40mgED

    Now here are few pics right before I started (starting weight 210lbs)

    Attachment 150370Attachment 150371Attachment 150372

    and heres how I look currently(202lbs)

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    Last edited by Owais624; 05-10-2014 at 03:08 PM.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Your before pics aren't showing, so you dropped 8 lbs while in that cycle?

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Good results there man..looking ripped compared to body type is like your before shots in a way..glad to see what's attainable.

    Glad you figured out your cycle in the end...worked out nice

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Good job bro but how were all the side effects?

  26. #26
    First of all, OP, you look good. Nice and chiseled with good bulk and if your happy with what you did to get there then that's fine by me. Overall though, I get so confused by threads like this with guys taking umpteen different compounds and getting results that to me seem attainable without AAS. You're before pic is a little deceptive since you're wearing a shirt and obviously not pumped or flexing. Taking that into consideration I think you look about the same basic size pre-cycle and just cut 8lbs of fat over the course of the cycle. I don't understand why someone can't trim 8 lbs over 16 weeks without AAS. I've just always associated AAS with building mass and don't understand running cycles with no intent of getting bigger.

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    My advice to you is do your own research, start reading tons of material from different sources. There's way too many keyboard lifters in here that know nothing about what they're talking about, that have not even tried the gear they talk about and would never even post real pictures and videos of themselves because they are shit and will never amount to anything better! Everybody is different and react differently to certain steroids, and that well you can only learn through experience and years of training.

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