Same Test , way different results .
I'm 44 ....I would consider myself a steroid veteran , but I haven't done a cycle ( or even worked out that hard ) in about four years ... Young guys still come to me for workout advice / healthy eating tips / steroid conversations .... It's a thrill that they still come see me ..;-))...
So here goes: a friend came to me after his 30 th birthday , ready to take the plunge into the dark side . I've known this guy about eight years . We have talked openly about steroids and I can assure you be is a newbie ... He is 5'8" 210lbs low body fat , for all practical purposes a big guy . I was 5'9" 175 .... Yes I know - way too small .... But whatever ...we decided to cycle together . Here's what I came up with :
For him ( 5'8" 210 to start )
500 mg test E x 5 weeks
50 mg Dbol / daily x 5 weeks
Switch to test prop 300 mg x 3 weeks
Then straight off to pct
For me ( 5'9" measly 175 lbs )
350 mg test prop x 8 weeks
50 mg Dbol / daily x 4 weeks
Same Dbol from same package ... Enough for him to do 5 weeks , me to do four .... Same brand on all the test ... For all practical purposes , everything was the same .
I hit the high of 207 .... From 175 ....32 lbs ! Some water , but pretty clean .... ( cycle over now and I stayed 192 this morning !) but he only gained at his highest 8 pounds . My first thought is that his gear was no good , but we were on the SAME gear . The Dbol alone should have put 10 pounds of water on his ass .... His pct was miserable . Which to me means his gear was good . But , can anybody give me a reason for this disparity ? He has a bachelors in nutrition , so he knows how to eat ....
This really has me stumped ... Anybody ?