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Thread: looking for a good cycle template for Test E / Clen

  1. #1

    looking for a good cycle template for Test E / Clen

    if anyone has found a link to a thread that would be good.. I am preparing to begin a Test E cycle soon and I would like to add Clen into to help shave off the extra pudge im working on getting off.. I do 2 5K runs a week for cardio and i usually run for 15 min as a warm up on weights days..I have oral liquid clen and I am having some issues as to finding what i should be dosing at as well as any AI's I may need i have nolva and liquid clomiphene for PCT and HCG..

    if anyone with experience could point me down the right path I thank you greatly..

    Thanks in Advance


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    North Carolina USA
    get an AI before you start cycle personally I like aromasin because it wont crash estrogen but adex is pretty popular because it is cheaper but you have to be careful with it and it is hard to dial in without blood test. also HCG should be ran on cycle only at 500mcg a week and clomid and nolva for pct
    Last edited by djgreen; 08-28-2015 at 08:58 PM.

  3. #3
    where does the clen fit into this regimine? i was planning 500mg of Test E a week for 15 weeks.. where do i put the clen into it? and how much for how long?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    At 25-30% bodyfat the last thing you should be doing is using AAS or a horrible thermogenics like clenbuterol.

    First thing you should be doing is fixing your diet and dropping to 15% before you consider AAS and much less than that before you consider the horrible clan.

    Can you post a pic so we have a better idea of how to direct you?

  5. #5
    What kind of picture are you looking for??

    Also my numbers are
    230 lbs

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by lovage666 View Post
    What kind of picture are you looking for??

    Also my numbers are
    230 lbs
    A pic of you. Shirt off. Let's see what we are dealing with in terms of body fat levels.

  7. #7
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Picture 12.jpg 
Views:	279 
Size:	253.8 KB 
ID:	159076

    this is at the end of the day.. alot of fluid just sitting like dead weight in the stomach however im only about 8 lbs lighter in the morning so it is less watery but here it is in all it glory lol

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