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Thread: CHURNOBLE situation in the LEG area!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    CHURNOBLE situation in the LEG area!!!

    Yes you read correct. Nuclear HOllacust delivered by an at home random LEg session with some basics guidelines for intensity and gains. POSsibly nuclear mutation in the legs due to the meltdown I just inflicted.

    I was thinking on the drive home.( I get super adrenaline and feels good after a goodsession) so my mind was turning and I was comparing it to a chef that has all the exspenive ingredients, equipment etc... Opposed to a lil old grandma lady from the "old country" that whips up a fantastic whole foods meal from scratch AT HOME..

    I'm getting to the point. I wanted to do legs and knew I was limited with my equipment but wanted to add some weight training rather just body weight moves. I was using a bowflex and the bench wouldn't slide so I couldn't do a leg press sled action move. So I figured into some leg extensions toes straight forward (normal) and toes pointed in ( to hit the outer head of the quad). I could do the max allowed weight like 25+ times so I burnt out each set with those. ( note that I heard strong men competitors will sometimes rep out as many reps as possible with light weight as to build up that Lactic acid).
    I also did standing leg curls( hamstring isolation)Followed up by some squats since I figured I was pre exhausted a little from the previous exercises. I'd put the strap around my shoulders and just do a regular squat action.

    Did some one legged standing calf raises (8reps each set. Followed by some weird monkey hanging seated calf raises I created by hanging on the machine and pressing with the balls of my feet.

    Ok well I like to push hard on legs especially so I wanted more. Which turned into me doing more leg extension. Super set with air squats right into more leg extension back to air squats and this continued anout 4-5 times back and forth till i could only do about 8-10 extensions...

    Be creative...hit a plateau..well think different and be creative to uncover new ground.. Up intensity. Example. When I didn't want to do one more rep, naturally muscle fatigues. I would go right into another move to pump out more and trick my mind by giving it variety. I'll tell ya what.. Once you experience that threshold being broke and want to puke in the end. I was feeling it coming on (man I miss that feeling). It's ultra gratifying in the end...EARTH GYM or bust ...well kinda, I figured I'd switch it up from doing stair sprints and body weight stuff....
    Last edited by Marsoc; 08-31-2016 at 07:02 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Attachment 165207

    Again not much but 1cup of yogurt mixed with banana, strawberrys and blueberries...probably 20grams protein followed by some chicken and whatever else I'll add..thanks

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    You F***in Wankers!!!!!

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