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Thread: is 200mg per week too much??

  1. #1
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    is 200mg per week too much??

    i am on dr prescribed TRT and absolutely loving it. i cant believe how much of a positive impact it has made in just a few months. i have a girlfriend now, no longer sad, better cognitive function too it seems and of course my physique and strength gains have been insane. my doctor wants me to take 180 mg a week but prescribes me 200mg a week. it breaks my heart to throw out a tenth of the 1ml vial everyweek lol. so i did the whole 200mg this week. i think i might continue with that unless you guys say to do otherwise? im going in to do bloods in a few weeks so we will see what happens.

    i really dont want to show up out of range on anything and have my dr cut my dosing so there's that to worry about. also is there any reason to not take 200 mg? like any health concerns?

  2. #2
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    That's on the highest end of trt. Normally what anti aging clinics prescribe. How old are you? What kind of doctor? Body fat percentage? At that high a dose it's likely you estrogen will raise too high. Normally trt is 100-150 mg a week in two doses. 200 is on the high end but everyone is different it may put you in normal ranges. I wouldn't risk your doc cutting your dose and try 150 mg a week then you'll always have extra!

  3. #3
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    im 25 years old and yes my doctor is a urologist who has a clinic and is very pro testosterone. im lean like 12 percent i guess. i can see all my abs and have veins on my stomach. i was taking 180 mg and was at 840 on my lowest day! feel amazing on that and dont even want to up the dose but i have those 1 ml vials and it sucks just throwing test away every week haha. and it seems to difficult to save a tenth of a vial for a rainy day.

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    What put you on TRT at such a young age?
    Why on earth would you have to throw it away? If it's in a vial it's good to go. If you mean an amp then buy some sterile vials on-line and transfer it.
    If you're 840 on your lowest day (assume pinning once per week) then you're about double that the day after your pin. Look below:

    If you pinned a lesser amount twice per week, say 75mgs every 3 days or so you'd probably have similar numbers with steadier levels. You'd also stock up.
    You would also have less of a spike in E2 as well. If you stay on the current protocol you should run labs two days after injection sometime. Be interesting.
    Are you on HCG?
    Do you need an AI?

    Only real health concerns would be polycythemia. Monitor your Hemo and Hema.

    Glad you're feeling well!
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    What put you on TRT at such a young age?
    Why on earth would you have to throw it away? If it's in a vial it's good to go. If you mean an amp then buy some sterile vials on-line and transfer it.
    If you're 840 on your lowest day (assume pinning once per week) then you're about double that the day after your pin. Look below:

    If you pinned a lesser amount twice per week, say 75mgs every 3 days or so you'd probably have similar numbers with steadier levels. You'd also stock up.
    You would also have less of a spike in E2 as well. If you stay on the current protocol you should run labs two days after injection sometime. Be interesting.
    Are you on HCG?
    Do you need an AI?

    Only real health concerns would be polycythemia. Monitor your Hemo and Hema.

    Glad you're feeling well!
    Al excellent points. I particularly endorse dropping the dose (per injection) and increasing the frequency of injections to either every 3 days (my preferred schedule) or twice per week. I find 40 mg E3D sufficient when my SHBG is under control, but you may need to go higher depending on your individual response. But more frequent dosing will give you a much smoother ride and minimize spikes in both T and E2.

    I would be interested in knowing more about your condition. TRT is a life-long medication and there must be some underlying medical condition if you are prescribed it at the age of 25.

    I strongly suggest you do not increase the dose without your doctors knowledge. If he/she is thinking you are on 180 mg and sees numbers higher than expected because you are actually on 200 mg, you may be in for a mandatory downward dose adjustment. I'd also not make the dose frequency change without the doctor's consent. Again, if he/she numbers that are not consistent with expectations, it could lead to some undesired dose adjustments.

    Kel offered some great advice. Simply transfer the unused amount to an empty sterile vial which are readily available over the internet. I even can get them through AMAZON. A shorter term solution would be to save one of the partially empty vials and transfer the last bit from the next vial into it. After 10 vials you will have a full extra vial for a rainy day stash.

  6. #6
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    agree with putting in a sterile vial...or as 55 says, just put in one of your prescribed vials,
    load 200 in syringe, put 20 mils in another vial....

  7. #7
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    OK guys thanks for the help. I will stick with 180 mg a week and put the extra test in an empty vial. I am still getting used to the weekly injections but once i feel comfortable injecting other spots than my quads i will switch to a twice a week protocol. thanks!!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Closhmo View Post
    OK guys thanks for the help. I will stick with 180 mg a week and put the extra test in an empty vial. I am still getting used to the weekly injections but once i feel comfortable injecting other spots than my quads i will switch to a twice a week protocol. thanks!!
    Good decision. I suggest waiting until your doc feels comfortable with your weekly protocol and doesn't spring any surprise labs on you. Better yet, I suggest asking him if he has any objections to breaking the same prescribed weekly dose into 2 or 3 injections per week using a 28G insulin syringe (yes it can be done). My concern is that if he is expecting certain numbers on lab day thinking you are on a 7 day protocol and sees higher numbers than expected because you are on a 3 day protocol, he might want to adjust your dose downward.

    My doc prescribed the 3 day protocol, so she knows what to expect for numbers. What she doesn't know is that I take Winstrol to suppress my SHBG, so I have to go through this elaborate process of withdrawing from the use of Winstrol at least 3 weeks prior to the labs so that she sees the numbers she's expecting. Not fun, but I only have to do this once per year now that I'm on a stable protocol with her.

  9. #9
    I'm on 200/week right now also, I'm 31 on been on for years now

    Everyone gives me the same "must be a medical condition at that age" too.

    I used to race, had a bad crash when I was younger and pretty much destroyed one of my testicles. After 2 years of working with my doctor and tests after tests he determine the low t and associated symptoms were from the testicular trauma.

    TRT was a life changer and life saver for me. It's also a life sentence.

    RIP Lefty!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sh0tsf1red View Post
    I'm on 200/week right now also, I'm 31 on been on for years now

    Everyone gives me the same "must be a medical condition at that age" too.

    I used to race, had a bad crash when I was younger and pretty much destroyed one of my testicles. After 2 years of working with my doctor and tests after tests he determine the low t and associated symptoms were from the testicular trauma.

    TRT was a life changer and life saver for me. It's also a life sentence.

    RIP Lefty!
    Usually the other testicle can make up most of the difference. I'm wondering if there was some sort of head trauma that may have damaged the connection between the hypothalamus and the pituitary. GnRh travels that short distance through a capillary plexus that is easily damaged by trauma. My second TRT doc specialized in this type of low T. No matter the cause, the treatment is the same; T for life! Glad it's working for you. Do consider the 2X per week or E3D protocol. I started out on the weekly protocol and could never get it to work well. I'd always feel a crash on day 5 or 6. Going to the E3D protocol made a world of difference and allows me to get by with less overall T, which minimizes the side-effects. As an added benefit, the smaller volume makes insulin syringes more practical, which is important for long term sustainability.

  11. #11
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Youthful55guy View Post
    As an added benefit, the smaller volume makes insulin syringes more practical, which is important for long term sustainability.
    Never cared for SQ T injections personally. I tend to lump up! What I do really like though is 27ga x 1/2" anywhere. Delts, glutes, wherever. Doesn't matter if part IM or part SQ or both.
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Never cared for SQ T injections personally. I tend to lump up! What I do really like though is 27ga x 1/2" anywhere. Delts, glutes, wherever. Doesn't matter if part IM or part SQ or both.
    Same here. I ALWAYS bruise with SQ. I inject into the quad with a 28G 1/2 inch insulin syringe. Alternate left and right.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Never cared for SQ T injections personally. I tend to lump up! What I do really like though is 27ga x 1/2" anywhere. Delts, glutes, wherever. Doesn't matter if part IM or part SQ or both.
    Quote Originally Posted by Youthful55guy View Post
    Same here. I ALWAYS bruise with SQ. I inject into the quad with a 28G 1/2 inch insulin syringe. Alternate left and right.
    I must be remarkably clumsy/unlucky and/slow-witted , I'm thinking the latter. The last syringes I ordered for slin pins were actually 1ml tuberculin syringes with slide on needles vs the usual Terumo U-100 insulin syringe with an integral needle ( the 2 aren't actually the same thing). Anyway finally got a bit of oil through the 27ga. needle, decided to push more air back into the vial and pull again. When I pushed the air in, the taper lock/slide on needle, slid right off, and it sprung a leak.
    It wasn't a huge loss, but I did hold a moment of silence for the waste. Never have gotten the hang of drawing oils with a fine ga. needle.
    Last edited by almostgone; 07-11-2017 at 12:22 PM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    I must be remarkably clumsy/unlucky and/slow-witted , I'm thinking the latter. The last syringes I ordered for slin pins were actually 1ml tuberculin syringes with slide on needles vs the usual Terumo U-100 insulin syringe with an integral needle ( the 2 aren't actually the same thing). Anyway finally got a bit of oil through the 27ga. needle, decided to push more air back into the vial and pull again. When I pushed the air in, the taper lock/slide on needle, slid right off, and it sprung a leak.
    It wasn't a huge loss, but I did hold a moment of silence for the waste. Never have gotten the hang of drawing oils with a fine ga. needle.
    Yeah, I'm plagued by brain farts all the time when ordering from the internet. I ordered a case of paper towels once and got a potty training chair for my 17 year old daughter. I'm bad at returning things too. Need a potty trainer?

    Most definitely the two-piece units will not work with oil unless they are lure lock. The one-piece insulin syringes are the way to go. Almost not waste.

  15. #15
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Youthful55guy View Post
    Yeah, I'm plagued by brain farts all the time when ordering from the internet. I ordered a case of paper towels once and got a potty training chair for my 17 year old daughter. I'm bad at returning things too. Need a potty trainer?.

    Now that's funny.
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  16. #16
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    is it not difficult to pull oil with a 27 guage pin.
    this is intregueing to anywhere? sq..IM..
    sounds like heaven...i'm used to the 25 g pins,
    but 27 sounds awesome

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Youthful55guy View Post
    Yeah, I'm plagued by brain farts all the time when ordering from the internet. I ordered a case of paper towels once and got a potty training chair for my 17 year old daughter. I'm bad at returning things too. Need a potty trainer?

    Most definitely the two-piece units will not work with oil unless they are lure lock. The one-piece insulin syringes are the way to go. Almost not waste.
    LOL, no sir, I don't, but appreciate the info. I have to ask, did you tell your daughter what you purchased for her?
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  18. #18
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    On the OP question

    If you got your Estrogen in check the dose is fine. Sides that can happen are low level blood pressure bump and tachycardia if you are susceptible to those items.

    Reality is many cruise on 500 and call it Trt.

  19. #19
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryobi1 View Post
    is it not difficult to pull oil with a 27 guage pin.
    this is intregueing to anywhere? sq..IM..
    sounds like heaven...i'm used to the 25 g pins,
    but 27 sounds awesome
    I load with an 18 and inject with the 27 x 1/2" pin. Yes, with small TRT amounts on a twice per week protocol it works just fine. Test absorbs whether it's SQ or IM or a combination of both.
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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryobi1 View Post
    is it not difficult to pull oil with a 27 guage pin.

    I wouldn't say it is difficult but I prefer something like an 18g needle to draw and inject with 23g+

    I've tried pulling with a 23g needle and didn't like it at all. Some of the oils are just too thick for my comfort to draw with 23g

    I've been dosing 200mg per week for a few months now and I love it. I also do have this desire to pin a little more and up my dose, but you sometimes have to remember slow and steady wins the race. I don't really want to jump straight into 250mg x2 a week just yet. Maybe sometime next year after I control my bloods on current dose of 200mg.
    Last edited by EDCG19; 07-12-2017 at 03:25 PM.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryobi1 View Post
    is it not difficult to pull oil with a 27 guage pin.
    this is intregueing to anywhere? sq..IM..
    sounds like heaven...i'm used to the 25 g pins,
    but 27 sounds awesome
    If you are talking about "normal" TRT and you break the dose up into 2X per week or E3D (as I do), it's about 0.25 mL per injection. I can pull that up into a 28G insulin syringe with a 1/2 inch needle in about 45 seconds. I usually go a full minute or so (slow count to 60) so I have extra to squirt back in to adjust to the exact amount I need. Tap the bubbles to the top if necessary before adjusting to the final dose. I inject into my upper outer quads and alternate left and right (see diagram below). I usually inject over about a 5 second smooth continuous depression of the plunger.

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	169955

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    LOL, no sir, I don't, but appreciate the info. I have to ask, did you tell your daughter what you purchased for her?
    We all got a laugh out of it. I told her I'm saving it for her baby shower, but I'll probably be in wheel chair by then.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    I load with an 18 and inject with the 27 x 1/2" pin. Yes, with small TRT amounts on a twice per week protocol it works just fine. Test absorbs whether it's SQ or IM or a combination of both.
    I've never found the need to do the needle switch. One of these days I'll have to post a video of the single syringe procedure. It's all I've ever used. My first TRT doc taught me it over 5 years ago, but he had me using a 25G needle insulin syringe. I graduated to the smaller 18G needle myself. I did 30G for a while, but that was too slow, even for me.

  24. #24
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    how many mls do you inject?
    I think I read you take 70 mgs a pin

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Youthful55guy View Post
    If you are talking about "normal" TRT and you break the dose up into 2X per week or E3D (as I do), it's about 0.25 mL per injection. I can pull that up into a 28G insulin syringe with a 1/2 inch needle in about 45 seconds. I usually go a full minute or so (slow count to 60) so I have extra to squirt back in to adjust to the exact amount I need. Tap the bubbles to the top if necessary before adjusting to the final dose. I inject into my upper outer quads and alternate left and right (see diagram below). I usually inject over about a 5 second smooth continuous depression of the plunger.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Injection Instructions.jpg 
Views:	316 
Size:	1.43 MB 
ID:	169955
    my only problem is my test is 100 mg per ml,
    that would be 1/2 a syringe...pretty sure its doable,
    my average climate here is fairly cool, especially after summer..
    so I usually pre heat the test using a hot/cold pad so it flows easier

    I take 100 mg a week...if I went tothe smaller needle,
    I think I would go 2 time a week

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryobi1 View Post
    how many mls do you inject?
    I think I read you take 70 mgs a pin
    I inject 40-50 mg (about 0.2 to 0.25 mL) every 3 days. This equates to about 95 to 120 mg (rounding) per week. The higher end of the dosing is a more recent thing. For most of my 5 1/2 years on TRT it's been 40 mg E3D.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryobi1 View Post
    my only problem is my test is 100 mg per ml,
    that would be 1/2 a syringe...pretty sure its doable,
    my average climate here is fairly cool, especially after summer..
    so I usually pre heat the test using a hot/cold pad so it flows easier

    I take 100 mg a week...if I went tothe smaller needle,
    I think I would go 2 time a week
    That would make a difference! Can you ask your doc to prescribe 200 mg/mL? That would cut the volume is half and make it much easier. In the US, both 100 and 200 mg/mL is available, but 200 mg/mL is more commonly prescribed for this very reason.

  28. #28
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    will see if doc can prescribe 200 mg.... I have a feeling
    the US is more progressive to TRT, or at least there are more
    doctors and clinics to at see than up here..

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryobi1 View Post
    will see if doc can prescribe 200 mg.... I have a feeling
    the US is more progressive to TRT, or at least there are more
    doctors and clinics to at see than up here..
    I consider the US to be in the stone age of TRT, so that must put your country back to the Neanderthal period. It's a pretty sorry statement on the medical profession when women get their hormones when they need handed out like candy, but guys often have to resort to the black market. All because of the fear of "spoiling" sports. Yet millions of men worldwide suffer with the condition and the best that the mainstream medical profession will do is tell them it's all in their head and give them a prescription of Prozac to get them out of their office.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Youthful55guy View Post
    That would make a difference! Can you ask your doc to prescribe 200 mg/mL? That would cut the volume is half and make it much easier. In the US, both 100 and 200 mg/mL is available, but 200 mg/mL is more commonly prescribed for this very reason.
    LOL, back when I had to go to the Dr. office for my TRT they occasionally would run out of the 200mg/ml cyp and have to give me the 100mg/ml cyp. Totally ruined my shot day when they told me that was the "female" concentration of test cyp. Even though it was Pfizer, I felt like I was missing out despite the increased volume of oil.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryobi1 View Post
    will see if doc can prescribe 200 mg.... I have a feeling
    the US is more progressive to TRT, or at least there are more
    doctors and clinics to at see than up here..
    Hope they fix you up, Ryobi. For some reason I was thinking you were from Canada? Should be very easy for your Dr. to write Delatestryl.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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