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Thread: Use or abuse?

  1. #1
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    Drunkest City in the USA

    Use or abuse?

    I was going to post this in the over 40 group but figured it might benefit some of the younger guys too. i will try to keep this short.

    I am 57 and have been on HRT for about 7 years now, about 3 years ago I started doing low dose tren cycle while at the same time bumping up my test (example: 200mg Test cyp and 250 Tren A a week) twice a year. My last cycle ended July 1st 2018 and was only 8 weeks. Well I started a new cycle on January 3rd and had the same thing planned just to cut some body fat and maybe pick up a pound of muscle. Started cycle and felt nothing. Bumped tren up to 300 week still nothing went to 500week and still no serious sides or changes in the gym (maybe minor). 4 weeks in I started a new vial and stayed at 500 a week. Well first vial must have been way underdosed. Second vial 3 weeks in and I am superman at the gym and the sides are terrible.

    Here is were the use or abuse comes in. I was going to run this 10 weeks but terminated my cycle last Sunday. I could tell my BP was up because my face felt flush. I have a monitor at work and home, so I started checking it. I was averaging 160/90ish with a pulse around 72. Sunday morning after my injection I sat and did 5 minutes of deep breathing and checked (see pic).

    If you know it is destroying you inside is it worth the look outside? I feel if you answer yes to that question and continue it's abuse not use. Sucks because I love the tren train! But i am done for now and will revisit in the fall after I get this BP under control.
    Last edited by bethdoth; 03-01-2019 at 12:18 PM.

  2. #2
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    I'm 58 and did my first cycle about a year ago. 5 weeks in on a 500 mg per week of Test cyp my BP hit 170/90 so I called it quits. I just started another cycle 4 weeks ago only doing 250 mg per week and just seeing how it goes this time. I'm doing more cardio and checking my BP every day.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by bethdoth View Post
    I was going to post this in the over 40 group but figured it might benefit some of the younger guys too. i will try to keep this short.

    I am 57 and have been on HRT for about 7 years now, about 3 years ago I started doing low dose tren cycle while at the same time bumping up my test (example: 200mg Test cyp and 250 Tren A a week) twice a year. My last cycle ended July 1st 2018 and was only 8 weeks. Well I started a new cycle on January 3rd and had the same thing planned just to cut some body fat and maybe pick up a pound of muscle. Started cycle and felt nothing. Bumped tren up to 300 week still nothing went to 500week and still no serious sides or changes in the gym (maybe minor). 4 weeks in I started a new vial and stayed at 500 a week. Well first vial must have been way underdosed. Second vial 3 weeks in and I am superman at the gym and the sides are terrible.

    Here is were the use or abuse comes in. I was going to run this 10 weeks but terminated my cycle last Sunday. I could tell my BP was up because my face felt flush. I have a monitor at work and home, so I started checking it. I was averaging 160/90ish with a pulse around 72. Sunday morning after my injection I sat and did 5 minutes of deep breathing and checked (see pic).

    If you know it is destroying you inside is it worth the look outside? I feel if you answer yes to that question and continue it's abuse not use. Sucks because I love the tren train! But i am done for now and will revisit in the fall after I get this BP under control.
    Look at us, the "Mature Men's Club". LOL

    When you run Tren you blood pressure will go up. 500mg/wk is a lot of Tren in my book. The sweating, blood pressure, and insomnia is going to be terrible. Just stop your cycle and lower your Tren dose for the next cycle.

    For a "Lean Cycle" I run 300mg/wk Test + 100mg/wk Tren + 300mg/wk Masteron. I still get bad sides but I can get down to single digit body fat.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Look at us, the "Mature Men's Club". LOL

    When you run Tren you blood pressure will go up. 500mg/wk is a lot of Tren in my book. The sweating, blood pressure, and insomnia is going to be terrible. Just stop your cycle and lower your Tren dose for the next cycle.

    For a "Lean Cycle" I run 300mg/wk Test + 100mg/wk Tren + 300mg/wk Masteron. I still get bad sides but I can get down to single digit body fat.
    In other forum sections we are know as the saggy balls club, but since charge was included in that club they probably wouldn't say it to his face! I feel it just means we have pounded way more pussy than the youngouns can even dream about ... all that action takes it's toll after years. LOL

    Ya that was my plan to go back to just running 250 a week. The only reason I found myself at 500 was because I feel the first vial was way under dosed and never thought to cut back on the second vial. But then when I was throwing around weight, setting new Personal best records, and looked in the mirror it was hard to terminate.
    I will look into your suggested lean cycle and maybe give it a try. My goals at this stage of the game is lean.
    Last edited by bethdoth; 03-01-2019 at 02:03 PM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by bethdoth View Post
    I was going to post this in the over 40 group but figured it might benefit some of the younger guys too. i will try to keep this short.

    I am 57 and have been on HRT for about 7 years now, about 3 years ago I started doing low dose tren cycle while at the same time bumping up my test (example: 200mg Test cyp and 250 Tren A a week) twice a year. My last cycle ended July 1st 2018 and was only 8 weeks. Well I started a new cycle on January 3rd and had the same thing planned just to cut some body fat and maybe pick up a pound of muscle. Started cycle and felt nothing. Bumped tren up to 300 week still nothing went to 500week and still no serious sides or changes in the gym (maybe minor). 4 weeks in I started a new vial and stayed at 500 a week. Well first vial must have been way underdosed. Second vial 3 weeks in and I am superman at the gym and the sides are terrible.

    Here is were the use or abuse comes in. I was going to run this 10 weeks but terminated my cycle last Sunday. I could tell my BP was up because my face felt flush. I have a monitor at work and home, so I started checking it. I was averaging 160/90ish with a pulse around 72. Sunday morning after my injection I sat and did 5 minutes of deep breathing and checked (see pic).

    If you know it is destroying you inside is it worth the look outside? I feel if you answer yes to that question and continue it's abuse not use. Sucks because I love the tren train! But i am done for now and will revisit in the fall after I get this BP under control.
    I wouldn't risk it, the kind of pressure that's putting on your heart isn't worth it IMO

    What was your BP before you were on tren out of curiosity?

    Sent from my CMR-W09 using Tapatalk

  6. #6
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    Indianapolis, IN
    Too much Tren for what your body can handle. Everyone seems to respond differently. I’d go insane and murder people if I took that much.

    Your blood pressure is dangerously high IMO. What’s your hemoglobin, hematocrit, and RBC look like? If those are high - combine with insane blood pressure, you are asking for a lot of problems my friend.

    Not worth it.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by gb123 View Post
    I wouldn't risk it, the kind of pressure that's putting on your heart isn't worth it IMO

    What was your BP before you were on tren out of curiosity?

    Sent from my CMR-W09 using Tapatalk
    It's complicated. I was on lisinopril for the past 2 years because my average was like 140/90. Once on lisinopril it was pretty much normal 120/78ish. The lisinoprilwas causing me a constant and irritating dry couch so I went from my civilian doc to my VA doc and got Lasartan. Bad timing started cycle Jan 3 and got off lisinopril about 1 week later. Dry cough gone. Started on lasartan about 3 weeks ago, but at a very low dose. just went up 3 days ago.

    Quote Originally Posted by BOPJohnDoe View Post
    Too much Tren for what your body can handle. Everyone seems to respond differently. I’d go insane and murder people if I took that much.

    Your blood pressure is dangerously high IMO. What’s your hemoglobin, hematocrit, and RBC look like? If those are high - combine with insane blood pressure, you are asking for a lot of problems my friend.

    Not worth it.
    Just gave blood 2 weeks ago and hemoglobin was 17.2 , last blood work via the VA my red blood cells were small and numerous and the diff in size was high. Over-all my doc had nothing bad to say about my labs. Yep that is why I stopped. I know people that continue no matter what and don't do labs etc .... this post was designed just so people are aware gotta stay healthy inside and out. At my age i am more susceptible to issues, but ya never know unless you check the stuff.

  8. #8
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    Not bad today 147/85 pulse 76 at work this afternoon. After 40 minutes of steady state cardio and driving home 119/78 but pulse still 90 30 minutes after cardio.

  9. #9
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    Apr 2007
    Get some atenolol for on cycle.
    Atenolol blocks the increase in epinephrine response and will take it back to norm.

    Its good shit for tren runs.
    I can set you up with a source for it if needed.

  10. #10
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    AZ Side
    Well, you have 2 decades on me sir

    It’s hard to say on “what to do” - it’s all abuse(aside from a minuscule amount of test for TRT)

    Tren e seems to raise my bp the most, y I won’t run it any more

    But, there quite a few things to drop BP naturally - but, I don’t know if it’ll b enough 4 u

    How’s your RBC? If I missed that -

  11. #11
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    Here are my pre cycle labs 12/14/2018 and the past 10 labs. RBC was a touch high, but that was all that was bad.

    I am adjusting my Lasartan dose which should bring my BP down.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by bethdoth View Post
    Here are my pre cycle labs 12/14/2018 and the past 10 labs. RBC was a touch high, but that was all that was bad.

    I am adjusting my Lasartan dose which should bring my BP down.
    I retract what I said. Just noticed your heart rate.
    Stay away from beta blockers.

  13. #13
    Losartan should be OK, as far as I know it doesnt effect heart rate, just be careful how much you take as it will increase potassium levels which will put a strain on your kidneys.

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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I retract what I said. Just noticed your heart rate.
    Stay away from beta blockers.
    Normally my heart rate is good typically 64. That 90 was right after 40 minutes of steady state cardio. Felling pretty good today, but was unable to go to the gym. I have been helping my neighbor demo a bathroom for remodeling.

  15. #15
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    Not here.
    Use atenolol myself. However still borderline. Have found that hibiscus tea and beetroot powder capsules have helped drop the numbers a bit (figure every little bit helps).

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by bethdoth View Post
    Normally my heart rate is good typically 64. That 90 was right after 40 minutes of steady state cardio. Felling pretty good today, but was unable to go to the gym. I have been helping my neighbor demo a bathroom for remodeling.
    Tren makes my bp rise with epinephrine response increase. My heart speeds up and I get similar bp but my heart rate us about 100-110 resting.

    You don't have that issue. Yours is a vein constricgion issue. If you took atenolol with a heart rate that low and vein constriction you could die.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Tren makes my bp rise with epinephrine response increase. My heart speeds up and I get similar bp but my heart rate us about 100-110 resting.

    You don't have that issue. Yours is a vein constricgion issue. If you took atenolol with a heart rate that low and vein constriction you could die.
    I had an MRI done about 3 years ago that looks at the plaque (cholesterol) build up in the arteries, I forgot what the test is called. Anyway, my score came back pretty low and showed that I was not at risk for a stroke etc....

    I feel much better today, tren E is starting to clear my system and BP is coming back to some what normal. Actually had a 112/86 pulse 62 last night. Averaging 140/75 pulse in lower 70's the last day or so.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by bethdoth View Post
    I had an MRI done about 3 years ago that looks at the plaque (cholesterol) build up in the arteries, I forgot what the test is called. Anyway, my score came back pretty low and showed that I was not at risk for a stroke etc....

    I feel much better today, tren E is starting to clear my system and BP is coming back to some what normal. Actually had a 112/86 pulse 62 last night. Averaging 140/75 pulse in lower 70's the last day or so.
    Thats pretty good

  19. #19
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    I sort of agree. I agree that you should try and keep things normal. However not taking anything to control it does not mean you need to stop.
    I have found as I get older, I need to take more and more things to try keeping things “normal”.
    Cholesterol, blood pressure, hematocrit, etc. are things that I monitor. Liver assistance is also in there.
    I look at anything above 140/ 80 as needing to be controlled. I will push things because I compete, but I still try to be healthy as possible.
    I tried 900 of tren and felt like the walking dead. After 2 weeks, I felt that it was counter productive.

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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I sort of agree. I agree that you should try and keep things normal. However not taking anything to control it does not mean you need to stop.
    I have found as I get older, I need to take more and more things to try keeping things “normal”.
    Cholesterol, blood pressure, hematocrit, etc. are things that I monitor. Liver assistance is also in there.
    I look at anything above 140/ 80 as needing to be controlled. I will push things because I compete, but I still try to be healthy as possible.
    I tried 900 of tren and felt like the walking dead. After 2 weeks, I felt that it was counter productive.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Wow Charger, I didn't think you would have this opinion, I would have thought you would error on the side of caution! I was real close to 8 weeks on cycle anyway and there is always another time. Like you said you compete, I am just a vane ... attention getting ... muscle head! LOL At 57 with my current build I am good to go. I have recently been a bit conflicted on which direction to go anyway, get bigger or get smaller. I have put on a few pounds of muscle since January 3rd so now it's time to do it the right way, proper diet and HIIT fasted in the AM to cut body fat. If I can reach 12% Body fat I will probably look bigger.

    I know last week I felt like shit everywhere except in the gym. Saturday morning I got out of bed at 4AM and went to the living-room and sat in my chair, I just could not lay down. When laying down I felt like I was not getting enough oxygen and having a hard time taking a deep breathe, kinda scary. I felt really good when I woke up this morning!

    Managing the sides is important, but also knowing your limit is important and I found mine! No 500mg a week tren and if I do push it back up into say 350 range it will be Ace not E. But I think I will do more research to see if a different stack might meet my needs. I cycle twice a year just to maintain/build a few pounds of muscle and to keep BF low. Maybe try Scotch's suggestion this summer or fall.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by bethdoth View Post
    Wow Charger, I didn't think you would have this opinion, I would have thought you would error on the side of caution! I was real close to 8 weeks on cycle anyway and there is always another time. Like you said you compete, I am just a vane ... attention getting ... muscle head! LOL At 57 with my current build I am good to go. I have recently been a bit conflicted on which direction to go anyway, get bigger or get smaller. I have put on a few pounds of muscle since January 3rd so now it's time to do it the right way, proper diet and HIIT fasted in the AM to cut body fat. If I can reach 12% Body fat I will probably look bigger.

    I know last week I felt like shit everywhere except in the gym. Saturday morning I got out of bed at 4AM and went to the living-room and sat in my chair, I just could not lay down. When laying down I felt like I was not getting enough oxygen and having a hard time taking a deep breathe, kinda scary. I felt really good when I woke up this morning!

    Managing the sides is important, but also knowing your limit is important and I found mine! No 500mg a week tren and if I do push it back up into say 350 range it will be Ace not E. But I think I will do more research to see if a different stack might meet my needs. I cycle twice a year just to maintain/build a few pounds of muscle and to keep BF low. Maybe try Scotch's suggestion this summer or fall.
    Secret about charger...

    I have been whispering in his ear from his left shoulder for years.
    He is running with the devil now.

  22. #22
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    Mediocre things come to those who wait.
    Patience is a virtue of the average.
    Reality is a crutch for people that cant handle drugs.

    Attachment 175908
    Last edited by Obs; 03-05-2019 at 02:50 PM.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by bethdoth View Post
    In other forum sections we are know as the saggy balls club, but since charge was included in that club they probably wouldn't say it to his face! I feel it just means we have pounded way more pussy than the youngouns can even dream about ... all that action takes it's toll after years. LOL

    Ya that was my plan to go back to just running 250 a week. The only reason I found myself at 500 was because I feel the first vial was way under dosed and never thought to cut back on the second vial. But then when I was throwing around weight, setting new Personal best records, and looked in the mirror it was hard to terminate.
    I will look into your suggested lean cycle and maybe give it a try. My goals at this stage of the game is lean.
    LOL, I hear you brother.

    It sounds like your blood pressure reacts to Tren. Yeah, your BP's a little high but IMHO, you should be good for a cycle. I thing I find is that I gas out of breath during long sets. My cardio is terrible when I'm on Tren. But that too will pass.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by bethdoth View Post
    In other forum sections we are know as the saggy balls club, but since charge was included in that club they probably wouldn't say it to his face! I feel it just means we have pounded way more pussy than the youngouns can even dream about ... all that action takes it's toll after years. LOL

    Ya that was my plan to go back to just running 250 a week. The only reason I found myself at 500 was because I feel the first vial was way under dosed and never thought to cut back on the second vial. But then when I was throwing around weight, setting new Personal best records, and looked in the mirror it was hard to terminate.
    I will look into your suggested lean cycle and maybe give it a try. My goals at this stage of the game is lean.
    The saggy ball club! That’s hilarious! I wonder who said that??

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by bethdoth View Post
    Wow Charger, I didn't think you would have this opinion, I would have thought you would error on the side of caution! I was real close to 8 weeks on cycle anyway and there is always another time. Like you said you compete, I am just a vane ... attention getting ... muscle head! LOL At 57 with my current build I am good to go. I have recently been a bit conflicted on which direction to go anyway, get bigger or get smaller. I have put on a few pounds of muscle since January 3rd so now it's time to do it the right way, proper diet and HIIT fasted in the AM to cut body fat. If I can reach 12% Body fat I will probably look bigger.

    I know last week I felt like shit everywhere except in the gym. Saturday morning I got out of bed at 4AM and went to the living-room and sat in my chair, I just could not lay down. When laying down I felt like I was not getting enough oxygen and having a hard time taking a deep breathe, kinda scary. I felt really good when I woke up this morning!

    Managing the sides is important, but also knowing your limit is important and I found mine! No 500mg a week tren and if I do push it back up into say 350 range it will be Ace not E. But I think I will do more research to see if a different stack might meet my needs. I cycle twice a year just to maintain/build a few pounds of muscle and to keep BF low. Maybe try Scotch's suggestion this summer or fall.
    I didn’t used to.. you must use an AI, time off=time on+PCT, etc.
    I lived by that and learned that I can barely fit in a bulk cycle . One bulk a year won’t get you anywhere competing. Actually, Scotch made me realize that competitors can’t live by that.
    I am not haphazard with my cycling and I monitor bloods and overall health.
    Yes- Obs has played a role in delivering me to the devil. LOL
    Actually, Obs gives some pretty sound advice.... he just doesn’t follow it. LOL

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I didn’t used to.. you must use an AI, time off=time on+PCT, etc.
    I lived by that and learned that I can barely fit in a bulk cycle . One bulk a year won’t get you anywhere competing. Actually, Scotch made me realize that competitors can’t live by that.
    I am not haphazard with my cycling and I monitor bloods and overall health.
    Yes- Obs has played a role in delivering me to the devil. LOL
    Actually, Obs gives some pretty sound advice.... he just doesn’t follow it. LOL

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Awww shiiit....
    I just got off...
    Its like he lit candles at the pentogram!

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    .... I gas out of breath during long sets. My cardio is terrible when I'm on Tren.....
    Man ain't that the truth!

    And the insomnia sucks.

  28. #28
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    Jun 2018
    I'm never touching tren. I'm 25 years younger than you, bethdoth, but I don't see the point. I already feel out of breathe half the time just sitting around. I'll get in my head and have a little panic attack here and there. In the gym I'm already sweating and breathing hard.. f*ck tren lol.

  29. #29
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    Ok here are the recent developments and they don't make any sense to me. Last Sunday at about 4AM I woke up from a deep sleep gasping for air like I hadn't taken a breath in awhile. I got up and went and sat in my chair and watched TV. Still couldn't take a deep breath, but was good enough to breathe and every now and then good a good deep breath. I was tired all day Sunday and actually took a nap with no problems breathing.

    Fast forward to Tuesday night. I wake up at 1AM again gasping for air and couldn't take a deep breath. I called my daughter who is an ER nurse and she said go to the ER. By the time I got to the ER I was ok, but still couldn't get a deep breath. They drew blood and did a Troponin test, the marker for a heart attack was present, but just barely, and my kidney function was not quite 100%. Chest x ray to look for possible blood clot nothing. So 2 hours into the ER visit they wanted to keep me for observation and have me do a stress test in the morning when the cardiac people arrive.

    I am feeling ok and my oxygen levels are back to normal 99 vise 89 when I came in. 6AM they draw blood to check the marker again. Came back normal this time? Put some dye in me that goes to my heart and send me up to take pictures of my heart. Change into PT gear and hop on the treadmill for a stress test. Made it 15 minutes and completed the 5th level. 1 minute before the end of the 5th level shot me with some more dye. I ended the 5th level at a pulse of 151 BPM and was still able to talk to the lady doing the stress test. I was winded, but recovered quickly. Then back to take pictures of my heart again while pumping hard.

    I did not tell them about the tren use and just let them run their tests. Cardiologist said I have a very strong heart and that there is nothing wrong with it! I am glad I did this test after being on HRT for about 7 years (peace of mind).
    Last night slept with no problems?

    No more tren E for me!!!! Anyone got any thoughts? Why have problems breathing when sleeping, but only slightly winded when doing cardio?
    Last edited by bethdoth; 03-07-2019 at 12:11 PM.

  30. #30
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    Apr 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by bethdoth View Post
    Ok here are the recent developments and they don't make any sense to me. Last Sunday at about 4AM I woke up from a deep sleep gasping for air like I hadn't taken a breath in awhile. I got up and went and sat in my chair and watched TV. Still couldn't take a deep breath, but was good enough to breathe and every now and then good a good deep breath. I was tired all day Sunday and actually took a nap with no problems breathing.

    Fast forward to Tuesday night. I wake up at 1AM again gasping for air and couldn't take a deep breath. I called my daughter who is an ER nurse and she said go to the ER. By the time I got to the ER I was ok, but still couldn't get a deep breath. They drew blood and did a Troponin test, the marker for a heart attack was present, but just barely, and my kidney function was not quite 100%. Chest x ray to look for possible blood clot nothing. So 2 hours into the ER visit they wanted to keep me for observation and have me do a stress test in the morning when the cardiac people arrive.

    I am feeling ok and my oxygen levels are back to normal 99 vise 89 when I came in. 6AM they draw blood to check the marker again. Came back normal this time? Put some dye in me that goes to my heart and send me up to take pictures of my heart. Change into PT gear and hop on the treadmill for a stress test. Made it 15 minutes and completed the 5th level. 1 minute before the end of the 5th level shot me with some more dye. I ended the 5th level at a pulse of 151 BPM and was still able to talk to the lady doing the stress test. I was winded, but recovered quickly. Then back to take pictures of my heart again while pumping hard.

    I did not tell them about the tren use and just let them run their tests. Cardiologist said I have a very strong heart and that there is nothing wrong with it! I am glad I did this test after being on HRT for about 7 years (peace of mind).
    Last night slept with no problems?

    No more tren E for me!!!! Anyone got any thoughts? Why have problems breathing when sleeping, but only slightly winded when doing cardio?
    If you need tren in your life , go with ace instead of E , heard that if you get sides , it's hell on earth.
    I'm very glad you're okay man!

    Sent from my JSN-AL00 using Tapatalk

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chrisp83TRT View Post
    If you need tren in your life , go with ace instead of E , heard that if you get sides , it's hell on earth.
    I'm very glad you're okay man!

    Sent from my JSN-AL00 using Tapatalk
    Yes I have always done ace in the past first and last time with E!!! My last injection of 250mg was on Sunday Feb 24th, should be clearing out pretty good now 10 days. I still don't understand why it would hit me when sleeping? I do snore like a chainsaw and probably have sleep apnea. Maybe I just stopped breathing in my sleep because of that and then due to the trens effect on your ability to take a deep breath I was struggling to recover air from that?

  32. #32
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    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by bethdoth View Post
    Ok here are the recent developments and they don't make any sense to me. Last Sunday at about 4AM I woke up from a deep sleep gasping for air like I hadn't taken a breath in awhile. I got up and went and sat in my chair and watched TV. Still couldn't take a deep breath, but was good enough to breathe and every now and then good a good deep breath. I was tired all day Sunday and actually took a nap with no problems breathing.

    Fast forward to Tuesday night. I wake up at 1AM again gasping for air and couldn't take a deep breath. I called my daughter who is an ER nurse and she said go to the ER. By the time I got to the ER I was ok, but still couldn't get a deep breath. They drew blood and did a Troponin test, the marker for a heart attack was present, but just barely, and my kidney function was not quite 100%. Chest x ray to look for possible blood clot nothing. So 2 hours into the ER visit they wanted to keep me for observation and have me do a stress test in the morning when the cardiac people arrive.

    I am feeling ok and my oxygen levels are back to normal 99 vise 89 when I came in. 6AM they draw blood to check the marker again. Came back normal this time? Put some dye in me that goes to my heart and send me up to take pictures of my heart. Change into PT gear and hop on the treadmill for a stress test. Made it 15 minutes and completed the 5th level. 1 minute before the end of the 5th level shot me with some more dye. I ended the 5th level at a pulse of 151 BPM and was still able to talk to the lady doing the stress test. I was winded, but recovered quickly. Then back to take pictures of my heart again while pumping hard.

    I did not tell them about the tren use and just let them run their tests. Cardiologist said I have a very strong heart and that there is nothing wrong with it! I am glad I did this test after being on HRT for about 7 years (peace of mind).
    Last night slept with no problems?

    No more tren E for me!!!! Anyone got any thoughts? Why have problems breathing when sleeping, but only slightly winded when doing cardio?

    It is like I am reading my diary here going back about 2.5 years. Exactly what is describe in here is what happened to me. My problem appeared exactly like yours, went away, came back, went away and then came to stay. They investigated everything and thought I had a blood cloth, that was not the case, and put me on blood thinners. Over the course of a year and a half I went to three different hospitals asking them the re-run everything the previous guys had done and today I am still no closer to a solution. My breathing problems is essentially my new normal and I have gotten used to it. The one thing I have not looked at is my diaphragm as it could potentially cause a problem. Should you find any ideas around this I am going to be all ears.

    Good luck,

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    It’s not the tren A or tren E!!!! It’s the buildup of the serum levels. IOW the frequency of injection.
    I inject E daily.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Sounds like sleep apnea. Download the SnoreLab app on your phone. It records sound while you sleep and provides you with a snore rating and graphical view of the snore intensity during the night. I used to sleep with just one or two pillows, now I sleep with about 6. I probly back up on 3 pillows and have a pillow on each side for my arms. Sleep apnea is dangerous. I know a guy who died of sleep apnea at 30. Steroids and TRT are known to cause sleep apnea or worsen it.

  35. #35
    Could be sleep apnea but it shouldnt last for more than a few minutes if not second after waking.

    I used to get very out of breathe on tren and find it hard to recover and I hate the sides so stay away from the stuff these days.

    Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Not here.
    Nocturnal asthma?

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