Hello guys ,i just sign up here like couple weeks ago and i really like the fact you can get a lot of information's here from stickys or from people which they want to help each other! Now, i am 43 old with 250 pounds around 20% bf, i finish last year my first cycle which was only Test.E 400mg for 12 weeks and also i had the proper PCT which went fine and helped me a lot. Over the time i did got a little sloppy with my diet and i did gain couple pounds of weight and also that came which some extra fat! I have a dietician which he is gonna take over the nutrition part and Now i want to start my second cycle to lean out but i am confused what to stack with, so I was thinking to do this:
WEEK 1-12:300 mg test
400 mg primo
WEEK 1-5 :Anavar 50ED
Also i have in my hands Winstrol which i don't know if i can use this instead of Anavar?
Should i keep the anavar all the way to the end?
Can you stack primo and winstrol together?I tried to find information if you can stack Primo and anavar or winstrol together because they are both DHT I got some valuable information's from the sticky Thread: The Science of Stacking Steroids but still i have questions which i would appreciate if someone can help out and educate me to get more info.
For the pct i have arimidex HCG ,Nolvadex ,clomid in hands so for this part I m ready.
Thank you for all your help!