What do you think about front loading. Ive been clean for about a year and was thinking about doing a couple of short cycles back to back
What do you think about front loading. Ive been clean for about a year and was thinking about doing a couple of short cycles back to back
I don't really think there is a huge benefit to frontloading. If anything, jumpstart your cycle with Dbol for the first 4 weeks, 25-40 mgs a day. Or use Prop to jumpstart, it would work equally as well, just means a lot of injections.
If by "front loading" you mean taking large amounts of steroids at the beginning of a cycle so the steroids affect you quicker, then I see no reson for it. For example, deca or testosterone cypionate is not really going to become noticeably effective any quicker by front loading. You're still going to have to wait the first 2-4 weeks to experience any worthwhile changes.
BTW...how short do you expect your cycles to be?
Well i was thinking of 6 weeks on to prime myself with a little lost size. I have test depot, sust, deca, prop. then take a little break and try to get cut with deca, primobolan and winny.
You should do what you feel most comfortable and safest doing. Just understand that if the benefits of a steroid (such all the ones you listed except for propionate) will not begin showing until week 3 or 4, then a 6-week cycle only allows you 2-3 weeks of reasonable bulking. Most people work each muscle group about once per week. So, do you expect--for example your chest--to grow much after only working it out 2-3 times? Just something to consider.Originally Posted by The Hitman
I totally agree with frontloading heavy esters... it only makes sense IMO. It starts you off with blood levels that would otherwise take a few weeks to develop...
Warrior, what is a "heavier" ester?
I guess 8 - 12 weeks is best with equal amount of time in between off for minimum side effects. Just want to super charge my training and not sacrifice health. What about a 6 week reverse pyramid? anyone like that idea?
I don't like front loading........ all it does is give you more chance to end up with sides with the higher dosages of AS. Jump starting with fast acting AS IMO is a better way to start a cycle off.
With the AS you are planning to run I would run the cycle no less than 10 weeks to see results from the cycle.........
Heavy esters like Cypionate, Enanthate, Decanoate - the one's with longer half/active lives. It can take 3-4 weeks for the shots to build blood levels up to where they will be for the remainder of the cycle... unless you frontload. Which is ususally said to be roughly twice the maintenance dose prior to the first half life after the first shot. For example - running 500mg of TE per week... within 4 days of the first shot you should have administered almost a gram... then maintain at 500mg per week... and blood levels will remain constent for the duration... if you sit down and calculate out how much steroid is released by the ester week-by-week and shot-by-shot the benefit is easier to see... I don't have time now - if you SEARCH these forums you will find where I have explained this in greater detail before...Originally Posted by Johnny Boy
Rainbow at T-Mag first explained it to me in those forums... and it's a good way to start a cycle using long/heavy esters - IMHO...
Sheit... you can even frontload propinate if you want... if you are doing 50mg per day, day 1 do 100mg... and then with 50 mg ED you will still always have 100mg being administered ED for the remained of the cycle based on the release patterns of the ester...
I agree with Warrior. I used to have a spreadsheet that comparted frontloading vs. consistent dosages. Even though it will still take several weeks for the enanth to "kick in" you will feel it af full force instead of a gradual build... just like Warrior was saying. Furthermore, it may be possible to slightly shorten your cycle becasue of that effect. You bascially have to sit down and play with the numbers.
Try a search for frontloading...I started a thread about 6 weeks ago on frontloading. There were some pretty good responses in it as well as in this one.
frontloading,IMO, is the way to go, I personally am partial to prop for a frontload b/c of what warrior said about the faster acting esters, although I will do 100mg eod instead of 50mg ed It just seems to work better for me, I have heard of people backloading that too but I can find a few reasons why I wouldnt bother.
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