Quote Originally Posted by worldknown
dude maybe we should just drop this stuff, since like it might get a little hostile and just stop it before it gets any worse, cause i know if i post what i feel about homosexuality ill get banned, and i know they cant help it so i feel bad in a way but i dont but i think we should just let this thread die guys.

Haven't seen any hostility, or even any beginnings of hostility. Just a lively and direct give-and-take.
Some folks prefer to avoid disagreement, and that's fine, but other folks consider a healthy discussion of differing points of view to be a good thing.
As the philosophical sage wrote, "It is better to debate an issue without settling it than to settle an issue without debating it." Yah, as recent news stories have shown, the Bush administration didn't have a healthy enough debate over CIA and Iraqi issues, and it got us into an unnecessary war that got a bunch of American soldiers killed and worsened terrorism.
So, IMHO, it's best we continue on with this thread rather than cease discussion on the issues. There's really no reason to quit; no one is getting upset, as far as I can tell.