Thanks for the prompt reply SC.
My history:
Why i said it 'works' for me... I've tried it the conventional way before and that didn't. I like your reply tho...states your point straight up. What has been 'working' thus far for me has been the weight-training, followed by a posing session, then cardio.. a protein+ creatine shake... My next meal within the hour would be carbs (usually potatoes)... Why this was done was at my coach's request... Seemed my body responded better to macronutrient separation. Even currently (tho again going against convention), my meals tru-out the day usually don't mix macronutrients... (not suggesting this to others to go against the board... but saying what has worked for me)... Usually... complex carb only.. protein only.. sometimes protein+ carb or protein+fat.. depends on how i 'feel' that day. I found this way my body absorbs abd utilises the macronutrients better..