I know this thread isn't as bad as getting a laptop stolen at a party but I just got the worst haircut of my life. I was out of town and figured I'd get a quick trim at a stripmall salon. I tell the woman a hightop fade. How hard could that be? She starts off fine and runs a buzzer around the back of my head. Then she starts working her way up with a longer attachment. OK fine. Then I feel the buzzer run across the top of my head and I'm like what the hell was that?! Keep in mind that she has me facing away from the mirror. It takes her about 25 minutes to basically cut off all my hair and the worst part is that it's not even. I have lines going down the sides of my head where she tried to blend it in. I'm thinking this has to be a joke and I'm looking at her like I could have cut off all my own hair in 5 minutes for free. I paid 16 bucks for an uneven crewcut. What do you say to someone that just butchered your hair? I guess I shouldn't have paid her. I wanted to strap the bitch into her own chair and run the buzzer across her head.