I am not racist neither (two of my best friends are black) but I definitely have to agree with JDawg. The MAJORITY (not all) of black people will do anything and everything in a fight to get the upper edge no matter what, be it guns, weapons, or a ****load of thier boys when you only have about 4 or 5 guys with you. I've expeirenced this frist hand too. I suggest going to a public place and meeting him so there is other people around. DON'T bring ANY money BUT I would bring a ****LOAD of juiced up friends who can fight and have them waiting around the corner because I can guarantee you he WILL bring a ****load of his boys, that is just how they work. Once you have them outnumbered though, they all of a sudden turn coward almost all the time, but they are always so quick to jump someone or talk **** when they have 20 of their boys with them with knives and guns and then will jump you 3 on 1. So just be prepared and use your head. Once you get a hold of him, BEAT THE EVER LIVING SH*T OUT OF HIM and I promise you he won't steal for a LONG time. I won't say forever because I'm pretty sure after a while he will just resosrt back to stealing instead of working. This is sad but it is true.