I wasn't expecting much to be honest, I've had some gyno left over from puberty and AAS has aggrivated it to some extent. Nolva wasn't doing the job for me so I decided to go big or go home and got some Letro.

I've been on it for 1 week now at 1.25mg /ED and my nipples are no longer puffy or sensitive and the lumps underneith have decreased in size by over a quarter easily, probably 30-35%! And this is just the end of week 1 so I'm damn happy.

I've also dumped a ton of water from Test E and Dbol which has in turn lowered my blood pressure and allowed me to get a better sleep.

I think my sex drive may be down a little though, I'm not as aggressive with the ladies lately and I'm starting to think the Letro is behind it, it has also been more difficult to get a hard on, at first I blamed it on being sick but I'm not so sure anymore.

After my gyno issues are resolved I plan to lower it to 1.25mg /EOD and see how that goes, highly recommend Letro to anyone with gyno concerns, even if you think its too late it wouldn't hurt to try!