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Thread: The Quantum Physics of Bodybuilding - Explaining The Mind Muscle Connection

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    The Quantum Physics of Bodybuilding - Explaining The Mind Muscle Connection

    The Quantum Physics of Bodybuilding - Explaining The Mind Muscle Connection
    By: RoNNy THe BuLL

    Quantum Physics have always been a topic of interest for me. Questioning and giving reason to the unknown, exploring the fourth dimension and relating back to our physical world. However, it wasn't until only recently did I realize just how much Quantum Physics can help the average bodybuilder achieve not only their physical goals, but also attain the "mind muscle" connection that some lifetime bodybuilders never fully achieve.

    I have a Honors Degree in Kinesiology & Health Science from a very well respected University in Toronto, Ontario. I've been weightlifting since the age of 16, however, I've been bodybuilding since I was 21. I'm currently 23 years old and weigh in at a 206lbs on a 6'1" frame and 7%BF, can run a 6 minute mile and can dunk a basketball. I've been steroid free for over 18 months and intend on staying this way.

    Quantum Physics can seem very deterring for most people, often decieving to most. The title alone tends to confuse people, but for the vast majority of people. they ruly don't know what Quantam Physics is all about. It is about expanding our horizons and accepting the possibility that your our subconcious may be existing on another level and that our physical world can be questioned. It is about exploring, describing and predicting the systems of our physical world.

    What I'm going to explain is just HOW we can all relate Quantum Physics back to Bodybuilding and fully exploit our individual physical system called Muscle.

    Stress, Negative Thoughts & Amino Acids
    Our physical body produces, absorbs and ingests Amino Acids from our everyday life. As bodybuilders, we're often consumed with the thought of getting our "unique" RDA of Amino Acids, that's our livelyhood. However, what we don't take into account is just how much of our cells are designated to absorbing the vast amounts of nutrients and amino acids that our body needs to properly recouperate and function.

    One thing that you always hear is that stress tends to increase the rate at which we age, and it is 100% true. When we become stressed or have a tendency to view everything in a very negative light, we in turn distribute the effects of stress on our cells. This is where it becomes a snowball effect.

    Once stress or negative energy is placed on our cells, our body's natural reaction is to dedicate a certain amount of that cells absorption to de****g with and handling all the bad thoughts and stresses we have in our life. What happens then, you ask? It's simple. Less of our cell is used for absorbing vital nutrients. But wait, the snowball gets bigger.

    Once our cell has a dedicated portion of it's surface dedicated to de****g with stress, it in turn has a daughter or son cell that has already been pre-determined to allocate a certain amount of it's surface space to also de****g with stress, and more often then not, it's bigger then the Mother cell in order to compensate and prepare for further stress or negative energy.

    The end result is that over years of stress and negative energy, we have downgraded our cells from full nutrient and Amino Acid absorbing cells into a cell who's primary surface area is largely covered in a shield dedicated to de****g with negative feelings rather then what our body needs to fight aging.

    The Web Of Deceipt
    Have you ever wondered what thoughts are made of? Or what happens when we die? Or even what exactly is at the end of the Universe? If you find yourself asking that question time after time again, you may be a Quantum Physicist in the making. Those are questions that our brain can't comprehend. It doesn't matter how hard we try, we just can't comprehend death or the end of infinity...but we do know this.

    Our brain, thoughts and memories are all intertwined, something along the lines of "six degrees of seperation". Everything that we've witnessed, experienced or thought is ultimately all connected together in our brains.

    Have you ever come across someone who's always negative? Here's why they are the way they are. When we think negative thoughts, they're generally based on an experience that we've previously had. You burn the roof of your mouth while eating pizza at a restaurant, it hurt, there was a song playing when it happened and five years later everytime you hear that song you remember how much pizza hurt burning the roof of your mouth. You get what I'm saying?

    When this happens on a constant basis, your neurons tend to be firing in the same direction and following the same pathways in your brain. When your'e constantly caught up in the negative, you're strengthening the neural pathways that all lead to negative thoughts, which effect our cells. So how do we stop it? We start to deal with issues, problems and phobia's.

    Being Optomistic is over-rated. All you're doing is masking the negative. But when you're genuinely excited, happy or eager to get something going, the neural pathways stray away from the negative pathways and focus more on the positive. What's the end result? Less of your cell is used for de****g with stress and more of it is open to deal with your micro/macronutrients and amino acids.

    I've tried to keep this as simple as I could without losing alot of people in the point I was trying to get across. I've incorperated my education with my interests and came up with a theory that has been proven in the Quantum Physic community with respect to cell development.

    I guess what you can break it all down too is that the more we deal with the negative issues in our life and actually accept, come to terms with and overcome them, the closer you are to fulfilling not only your Physical goal, but also a better mindset overall.

    Nothing happens over night, but you CAN control how you deal with things from now on.

    Good luck.
    Last edited by RoNNy THe BuLL; 07-20-2005 at 10:29 PM.

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