A little backround, Im 36 been training 20 years. natural for 15 then crossed over 5 years ago and began cycling. I have been competing for about 5 years also. 6' around 280 off-season, superheavy on-season. i did a four week igf lr3 run at about 50-60 mcgs a day, nothing except a little increase in appetite. 4 weeks later i started a run at 80-90mcgs daily in one shot in the AM, not the preferred method of many but my only convienant way to do it. Good results, really full and awesome pumps in the gym, good appetite nice pumped feeling all day, hopefully will result in permanent muscle growth.
So my results were good at 80-90 mcgs,(hard to be exact in a 100iu pin)
results with 50mcgs was marginal, i am a large fellow however and may be dose related to body weight? i normally need at least 1000mgs of test to even feel an increase in libido, alot of guys get going with just 250mgs a week. just my experience for what its worth.