Does anyone watch this show? It is about different oddball medical cases where this team has to figure out what the hell is wrong with the patient before they die. Dr. House is an Ass of a doctor but it is a funny show.

(it is not a Real Show, just a TV drama I guess you would call it)

Anyway this week some baseball player was pitching and he broke his arm so they brought him to the hospital and wouldn't you know it the first thing they came up with was he must be doing steroids because that causes weak and brittle bones that can break just by tossing around a baseball . anyway the guy kept saying no I never took anything, never never, and no you can't take a urine test either (but they did anyway from his catheter).

They kept giving him a hard time calling him a liar saying yes you did take steroids then finally her says, yup about 5 years ago my coach gave me some pills but I did not know what they were but I took them anyway (dumb fvck) and I gained 20lbs of lean muscle in 30 days but that is the only time I ever did anything

My question is this.. is the public really that stupid that they need to play up to this crap?

My other question is where do I get pills that put on 20lbs of muscle in 30 days?
