Alrighty, this is going to be my first cycle and wanted a few honest opinions. I am 20 years old at 5' 9" 185 about 12-14% bf and have been working out almost 3 years naturally now. This is what I am thinking of doing:

1-13 Test E - 500mg/wk
1-4 DBOL - 25mg/day
1-12 EQ - 40mg/wk or Deca - 200mg/wk

I was wondering if you guys think I should run the Deca or the Eq? Also, I have the DBOL would it be good for my first cycle to throw it in there the first 4 weeks or not? I am wanting to put on some noticeable size and don't have a problem getting a little fatter. Which am I going to see better results with Deca or EQ? Any comments or advice is appreciated, or if you guys have some suggestions for my first cycle instead of that let me know. Thanks