Okay. Im going to try and ask this question without confusing myself.
First off I know everyone has different Natural Test Levels. So what is the average Natty Test Level? Now... hypothetically, lets say someone was taking 300, no scratch that, 500mgs a week of Test Enanthate a week. If they went and got blood work done what would there test level come back as? Like I guess what is the exchange ratio of Synthetic Test as it shows up on a blood test? So if someone went and got tested before a cycle and their Level was I dunno, 27. (no idea how test levels are rated or measured) Then they start doing a cycle of the Test E at 500mgs a week, got tested again 6 weeks into cycle... would their Test levels show up as like 298 or 2400??? I guess thats what im trying to ask. If anyone knows of a thread that I can read please direct me. I have looked but no exhausted myself so it may be out there. Thanx