My last cycle ****ed me up very badly. I finished last November, ran a very prolonged PCTs since then, been on tribulus, tongkat, redkat, hcg, etc. etc. For nothing.
A month ago after blood work my free test was at 150. I am pretty screwed up. No sex drive; I mean I can get hard if I want to, I just dont have the desire or drive to have sex with my gf or even jerk off, there is always something "more interesting" to do. Also at the gym I have been pretty much stuck for all these months (of course who would gain mass at those levels?) Other than that, I am "ok" THe mood swings are not that bad, I dont feel tired and can concentrate pretty well.
My question is, should I just accept the fact that I will have to be on test for life? When do you know it is time to put up the white flag and just start taking exogenous test? I want my body to recover SO BADLY but at the same time I want to stop feeling like shit, I want to stop wasting all those hours at the gym.
Is there anything else I can do? Should I run another PCT? Wait longer see if my natty test comes back? I just dont know how much longer I can go being asexual it SUCKS!!
Please any advice from experienced HRT bros who might have been thru the same dilema would be greatly greatly appreciated.
I dont know what to do, I am only 30 and I want to have kids still. I am extremely depressed because of this. I am a little happy for being given the oppt of becoming normal again, but the thought of being dependent on weekly injections for life is crushing me.
HELP with ideas