Want to bulk up alittle but also cut up alittle. This will be my 3rd or 4th cycle. Stats are 20 years old, 5' 9'' 185 at like 17% bf. Cycle i was thinking, but sure if it would work with the dnp, but thought it would be a good idea.

Fina - 75mg/day
prop - 100mg/day
winny - 50mg/day
dnp - 200mg/day

figured run this cycle for 7 weeks, run the dnp clear though as well. Hoping to drop some fat and gain some muscle. I know i've read not to use dnp while on a cycle, but even 200mg's isn't that much, figured it would give me that extra lose im looking for. What do you guys think. I've used dnp before so it won't be a new thing.