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Thread: Trying to finish off what I started.

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    Trying to finish off what I started.

    So, I was considering posting this in the 'new members area', but I felt it was more involved that an introduction alone.
    First off my stats 4 years ago:
    sz 48-50 waist
    My stats now
    165 LBM
    sz 33-34 waist
    Training: Mostly cardio and basketball, daily.
    Intended training in 2.5 weeks when the semster ends, intensive weight lifting regimin with daily cardio in the form of sports and elliptical.

    Ok before I post this, I'm choosing the AAS route because I'm tired of the loose skin and the body fat I currently hold. As a cutting cycle, I think it will do what I have left to take off well and fill in the extra skin.
    Starting Mid-May:
    O Tbol:
    wk 1 40mg
    wk 2 50mg
    wk 3-5 60mg
    wk 6 50mg
    PCT: Nolva 2wks 10mg

    Diet for the last 4 years:
    1400-1800 cal/day
    No sugar, No white flour products, Little-no Sat Fats.
    40% Complex Carbs
    40% Protein
    20% Fat

    I take a multivitamin everyday, sh1tloads of coffee, and have done ephy for little periods here and there.

    My diet once I come back from school and hit the gym/sports:
    with a increase in protein to about 150-200g/day
    Remember I know the calories are low compared to what most of you on here eat, but I'm not looking bulk, just cut and replace the fat with lbm.

    So my question:
    I've researched all my answers there are no real questions, just looking for feeback, oh and yeah Hello everyone, this is a great forum, I'm glad to be part of it.

    The Pictures are: 349lbs, 270lbs, 215lbs, 205lbs, and 195lbs (and sorry for the lack of body shots.

    Last edited by faceboy; 04-23-2006 at 10:08 PM.

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