Here is my buddy's 3rd cycle. He is 6'4 300lbs. Several years of training experience.
Week 1-20 test enanthate 750 mg EW
week 1-20 Deca 600 mg EW
Week 1-6 Dianabol 50 mg ED
Week 9-20 Winny 50 mg ED
Suggested to him to have arimidex on hand to reduce the bloat and possible gyno from the d-bol kickstart. Run at about .25-.5 mg ED.
PCT would be nolvadex at 40 mg ed for weeks 23 and 24 and 20 mg ed weeks 25 and 26.
One question I do have is this. With his size when would he be able to up the d-bol dose if he wasn't really feeling it at 50 mg ED? Or does size not really play a factor?
Any input here is greatly appreciated thnx-Erwin