first for my stats:
238 lbs.
around 14% bf
25 yrs old
4 cycles
have ran prop, deca, eq, winny, npp, and var
so here's the cycle I was thinking about
14 weeks
prop 1-14 800mg/week
masteron 1-14 800mg/week
var 1-6 80mg/ed
igf 1 50mcg/ed, don't know how long to run it or if that's a good dose.
I know I should split the dose but I'm not sure of the perfect dose or run time.
I don't have any specific weight goals. I just cycle to look good. I'm strong as an oxe and athletic naturally so I'm not concerned with crazy bulking or with enhancing performance (although test dose make ur penis a concealed weapon). just looking for aesthetics.
I'm currently running prop eq npp at 800, 800 and 600mg respectively.
what do u guys think of my proposed next cycle? also does anybody use arr igf? is it good? thanks bros