I got my CIA on Friday and I was eager to try it. ARR says it is 30mg/ml and the bottle is 30ml. I am just not sure how squirts it takes to get a ml.
I have heard that 10-15mg of Cialis is enough, so even if I knew how many squirts got 10mg I could judge from there.

Here's what I did. I got it Friday and took 4 squirts. Didn't know what to expect but didn't feel anything either. I wasn't seeing my girl till Saturday but it is said to last 36 hours anyway and I wanted to see how it worked. So Saturday I took 4 more squirts. Still not really feeling anything and really planned on giving her the works and wanted the extra benefit to make sure It happened. Before leaving to get her I took several more squirts. Probably 12 squirts all together.

Well I think that was way too much, but I have had a blast, this stuff is incredible. I don't know how graphic I can get here but lets just say whatever you can imagine graphic as hell I did it.
I have had a headache for 3 days now and backache. But well worth it. Next time, I just want to do the 10-15 mgs and avoid the headache.

Anybody have any idea how much I dosed myself with 12 squirts?

I doubt it did any extra good. I had great hard ons and last all night. Couldn't ask for more.

Thanks Lion