If I won the current lotto that just passed and was able to pocket $100million after taxes, this is how I would spend it. How would you?

$50 million - Safe, long term, low-risk investments, such as municipal bonds.
$30 million - More aggressive invesments - oil, gas, real estate
$5 million - Split between my own house, shop, and lots of vehicles (including a 1964 corvette installed with a 2007 LS7 corvette motor and tranny)
$5-10 million - Learjet I'd use for personal travel, lease it out when not used.
$100,000 - Trip to somewhere exotic with 20 of my closest friends
$600,000 - Pay off my mortgage, and both of my parents mortgages
$200,000 - Give to my grandparents so they didnt have to worry anymore.
$100,000 - Initial money I'd give to a few selected friends

That about covers it, more or less.