I get my blood work done fairly regualr... I had my blood work done after my last cycle and things looked good. this was a year ago... I have just got back from my doctors, I had blood work done again just recently as I have been considering my next cycle, My doctor said things look good, except my blood sugar is hella high, and I have to go in and get more blood work done. Diabtes runs very highly in my family, I was never really aware of this as my family doesnt usually disguss such matters... however after these results I spoke with my mother, and found out that she, my grand mother, both aunts and both uncles on her side are diabetic. they can controle it with diet and I will most likely not need insulin... but I am still awaiting more results to know for sure.

my question is, how many of you guys have diabetes and how has it impacted your life in weight training and AAS use??? my doctor told me that AAS use can bring out diabetes, I am not sure as Ive never read that, but I guess my doctor would know more than I would right?

anyway, Ive got alot of reading to do about diabetes now, so wish me luck on my research... not sure if its a good idea to start cycle now, my guess would be no...

so yeah, any input from you guys would be appreciated. Im the kind of person who will worry about this for a while. I on monday for more blood work, and hopefully I get the results from the doc before i Have to leave town for a week.

