I did my first inject this past wed evening. I did a lot of research before doing so. Mapped out the area, got turomo 23g 1.5" and injected just about 2ml (frontload) to my upper right quad.. I microwaved a coffee mug with hot water and let some ** test E warm up while i took a shower. Thoroughly cleaned the injection area, and top of bottle with alcohol pads... injection went smoothly (maybe a little fast?) put an antibiotic (bacitracin, and neomycin) covered with bandaid. Next morning woke up and was sore.... little limping but i was alright.... upper quad felt bruised..... friday woke up real sore.... still reading i realized its probably just virgin muscle and quit being a *****.. popped advil all day..... today woke up.... could barely walk.... over the day it got progressively swollen over my upper quad... checked at work a few times and it wasnt red. Got home fell asleep for a bit and came down with a fever.... stopped by my moms house (shes an nurse.... told her it was a splinter) and noticed my upper to mid quad is a little red and blotchy (will post pics later if interested). At this point i figure its my body having a reaction to the oil as it spreads.... the swelling isnt really an issue as i dont think its an abscess ( 1.5" needle down into the quad). I put some more antibiotic ointment on it, got a heating pad, and im pushing fluids, while trying to take down as much chicken noodle soup and chicken breast as i can.... Am I overreacting and forgetting everything I read about first injections, or is this something i really need to be concerned about? Im supposed to inject in the AM so what is your advice from here?![]()