
Due to reasons beyond my control (that being my work and being stuck on a ship in the middle of the sea for an extra 4weeks more than I was supposed to be!), I have 4weeks left on the ship and only 2 x amps of 250mg Test Enth left! This was used alone at 250mg E3D from the last few weeks of my HGH cycle until, well until I reached about 14weeks of it.

So like I said, I only have 2 amps left, I due have nolva but I have 4weeks left on the ship. So my question is, I have dropped down to 250mg the lst 2weeks and was wondering if the best thing to do now is to drop down to 125/wk til I go home. I know it will be in my system for 2weeks or so prior to finishing the cycle but Ideally, I want my levels elevated so that I can get more gear (And use my HCG etc) when I get home, then extend my cycle another 4weeks or so and make up for it.

So what would you do - either, finish these last 2 at 250/wk, then use my Nolva after a week or two everyday OR carry on at a lower dose as above??
Is 125mg enough to keep the levels of what my natural test would be at? How much does the body naturally produce in a week?

