Hey guys,

I've done a lot of reading and such, used the search function, etc.

I am using Anavar to help heal an injury that has been lingering for a while now, have used all non aas avenues (a.r.t, other therapy, etc).

I will be doing an 8 week cycle of anavar only. My maximum dosage will be 40mg/ed. Low dose, I know, but my goals are different.

I will still be running PCT to err on the side of caution.

I think my PCT will look like this, any feedback is appreciated:

20 mg/day Nolva for the first 2 weeks starting the day after the last anavar dose.
10 mg/day Nolva for the last 2 weeks. PCT total 4 weeks.

I will also be on a basic liver support supp.

I think the low Nolva dose will be fine for such small doses of var. Thoughts? I know some people like to use Clomid in conjunction with Nolva, but I'd like to avoid it if possible. I just like the idea of less sides and lower dosage.

Feedback is appreciated.