Hi everyone. I'm new to this website and fiture that most everyone here is seriously interested in working out/bodybuilding and can give me some advice. I've been interested in working out for a while but was never that serious about it. In college I was on the rowing team and suffered an injury (ingunial herina) so that pretty much ended my working out for a while. Last August I decided to get back into it...
I'm 25 years old, 6' 3" (190cm). Before I started working out, I was about 180lbs (~80kg)
The first picture is from October 2007, after working out for 2 months. I was about 194lbs then.
The second picture is from 2 weeks ago. I'm about 207lbs now (97kg).
I haven't used any supplements or anything other than protein.
Quite honestly I'm rather disappointed with my current condition...my body is much thinner than I would like it to be, especially my chest and arms.
I should point out that I'm the body type that is pathetically thin normally. I can eat in excess of 4000 calories a day (even when not working out) and not gain weight. If I stop working out for even a week, my body more-or-less starts reverting back to being thin.
Does anyone have advice for what I can do to get bigger? Sorry I don't have any body pictures at the moment. I'm kind of too embarassed to even post them.
Feel free to be as critical as you want. I have a LONG way to go, to be sure.