I'm wondering if steriods could help at all to deal with virginity. As you can imagine, I ****ing hate it (Im 25 and there is nothing wrong with me, im good looking). But its not going to go away, so I want to try and just be happy.

What I'm hoping is that perhaps the increased confidence and feeling of self worth from being bigger than most people will override my occasional feeling of being a loser, especially in the company of women.
Do you find that being huge + the effects of so much testosterone makes you more capable of dealing with depression? Do you find you are less concerned about competition from other people, in a general sense (not just dating)? I know some anti depressants contain creatine, so I wonder if roids have the relevant properties aswell.

At the same time I'm aware that steriods actually increase your libido. Has anyone actually gotten more depressed from steroids, because of the increased libido and unavailable sex partners? (yes yes I'm sure youre all fantastic players, but you too must have experienced some "drought")