I've been listening to this song all night. Like constant repeat status. It's so beautiful but hauntingly sad at the same time.
It reminds me of my most recent ex gf so much! I can't stop thinking that i f#cked up by walking away from our relationship. It just wasn't working, when we were good we were f#cken awesome, when we were bad it was horrible.
I've always been a guy that's had galfriends, i'm that guy. but i used to break up with gals so easily, walk away & throw myself into dating so quick. I really let down my guard with this gal, spilled my heart to her & wanted to marry her. Thought of kids names & all. (yes laugh away, sad i know)
It was good because i could really be myself around this gal. I really felt like she was my soulmate sometimes. Other times i hated her. I used to create trouble if things were calm cos i was addicted to the drama, she was the same.
Anyway i was the one that walked away & i dealt with it. I was sad, but i got over it. However i've just started running PCT & i'm sitting here like a lil bitch weeping at this sh*t.
Have you guys ever had a gal like this?