just curious... i am not a big guy, i am 5'10 5' 11" 200 pounds... very little bf... i wanna know what's the deal with guys twice my size working out with such little weights in the gym... i mean why do they look so big or wanna look so big, yet appear so weak? (i know not all) but i mean, i work out with curls doing on average 3 sets of 10-12 with 75-80 pound dumbells, while the big monster dude nexttoo me is doing less with like 45 -60 pound dumbells... same goes with military press bench fly's etc... i dont understand the wanting to look so big if your not really "BIG" or should i say strong... again like i said, i dont mean everyone, and most will kill me on leg press (but i consider the fact they carry around more weight then me all day long everyday) i mean is it an intimidation thing or something? cause personally id rather be a sleeper that can explode then one of these big dudes who when he gets his bluff called by a little guy he falls apart... (AGAIN, I KNOW NOT ALL, But it is quite common)