Hey guys

Age 26
working out for 4 years

I’m starting a new 10 week cycle soon Please advice

Week 1-10 200mg/EW of Test Cyp (By pfizer)
Week 1-10 200mg/EW of Masteron (By Empire)
week 1-5 25mg/ED of Dbol (Russian)
Week 5-10 50mg/ED of Anavar

Also Was recommended to take Letrozole 1.25mg/ED


Will also be doing 15-20 min cardio every morning and 15-20min cardio post workout

Advice needed with the following thanks in advance

1.I was told that 200mg for test and 200 mg of Materon a week was enough
Will be taking it Mondays and Fridays

2. One bottle of Masteron Expires this month Says it was made by Empire Labs and it expires July 2008 is it still good ??

3.And About the Letrozole I read good and bad things about it some say that after the cycle is done my Estrogen levels will bounce back to high and I should take so much

Thanks in advance for any help