Hey guys! I'm back to the gym after a 8 month lay off. For those of you that don't know(most probably), I was involved in a car vs. bicycle accident last year. Here's a run down on the damage...
5 tears right shoulder- 4 partially torn rotators, 1 tear in labrium (cartilage)
Fractured tibula.
Ruputured C4 or 5 disc- replaced
A bone bruise to the left knee
Lots of stitches....
And the biggie....
Fratured ulna. (reconstructed- 2 plates, 8 screws, 2 pins, and a replacement ligament- see the pic)- subsequent infection- hardware removed along with 3 of the bones
I've been back in the gym for the last 7 weeks and this week I'm getting serious with diet and the whole bit. I'm thinking of starting a journal (possibly in the Injury/Rehab forum) of my progression.
Any thoughts or input guys?