Hi guys.

I'm currently on cycle, and i'm 5 weeks in.

My cycle setup is like this:

1-10: tren hexa @ 500mg EW
3-12: test enanthate @ 750mg EW
3-12: 50mg Proviron ED

PCT afterwards

(The reason why i started test later than the tren was due to a big big misunderstanding between me and my source - i know, it sucks, but i started the cycle and now i have to deal with it..)

In the first two weeks i got the usual heavy tren sides, like night sweats, heavy sweating while working out, vivid dreams, insomnia and increased aggression. Eventually these sides have subsided and i'm now left with mild night sweats (but i do get them every night), a bit of insomnia from time to time and mostly i only sweat heavily while doing cardio now - sometimes i do get a little hot and start sweating where i normally wouldn't, but it's not too bad. Aggression has gone up though, and i'm REALLY aggressive atm.

I'm currently up 11lbs, give or take a lb. But it seems like these lbs are phantom lbs, 'cause i cant see them anywhere? Besides the minimal fat gain i've expierenced, i can't see where the 11lbs should have gone. I've kept track on my measurements (arms, chest, quads, calves, waist) and so on since day 1, and none have gone up, even not my waistline.

How on earth is that possible? I must be retaining water in my head or something, 'cause i don't know, where all these lbs go.

My strenght is up by approximately 22-30lbs, which is pretty ok so far, but i'm concerned that i'm only gaining fat and water??

Could i be overtraining or something like that?

BTW, is it just me, or does proviron make you horny as HELL?

Hopefully someone will be able to explain what's happening.

I know my gear is legit, so that's not it..