Current stats: 5'11
205 lbs (4/18/2003)
bf%guessing around 14% test to come......
previous cycle experience: none.
First inject was friday april 18th @ 1am (thursday night)
1cc (100mg prop) in the right shoulder
1cc (75mg fina) In the left shoulder
.5cc of liquidex in the throat (taste like cough syrup)
Both injections were pretty painless I used a 25g 1' pin for both. The next day both shoulders were sore but the one I shot prop into was alot more sore. I've noticed that I sleep alot heavier on the juice (could just be me) As of today 04/24/2003 I weigh 200 even. Haven't noticed anything except for slight strength gains and a i'm a little more irritable than usual......before pics will be posted shortly.
I'll be on a diet of 2200 calories a day (adjusting to weight loss as it occurs) and doing cardio 3x a week in the morning on an empty stomach.