This is in regards to my mother-in-laws on again off again live-in boyfriend.

Two weeks ago my wife convinced her mother to throw out her boyfriend. He is pretty much a stay at home drunk, and aparently abusive. Not really my problem. I try to stay away from their drama.

This weekend while we were out of town she let him move back again. Still not my problem. We got in town and went over to her house to pick up our dog. While we were there him and my wife got into an argument about him leaving again. I don't have a problem with them bickering, but the Mother fvcker told her she needs to leave before she gets slapped. I lost it. I just started swinging. I hit this guy until he fell over and I didnt stop until he stopped moving. I have never reacted so violently so quickly before. I just kept yelling at him that she is a mother and my wife and nobody disrespects her like that. He looked horrible when we left. Bad! He was bleeding everywhere, even out of his ear. I've never seen that before. I got up and told him what would happen if he called the police and left.

Now i'm torn. One minute I think that he got what he deserves. But the next I cant help but think about how my kids will feel if they find out what I did. I'm not an angry person, and I try to preach to them that problems can almost always be resolved in other ways. I have no idea what I will tell them if they find out.

Would you guys have handled it differently?