What is the big problem with that? 90 billion a year? Seriously, if that's an issue it's messed up.
I don't want to pay for the fat bastard eating fast food 5 times a day and paying with it by selling food off his food stamps for 50 cents on the dollar, but it's just how it is.
I'm not huge into politics, I'm on a dem or rep either, I'm just your average guy, too busy to follow things real close. But if people seriously sit back, look at the economy, and the things that are really WRONG in America. It's easy to see that health insurance and the cost of health care are probably the 2 biggest issues.
Previously, I felt the housing market, the ease of purchasing and ease of borrowing against homes was the biggest, Eventually things bottom out, and it did.
I think at some point (liberals jump my ass here!) the government is responsible for looking out for the common wealth. Drug manufactures, doctors and insurance companies all need some work.... When they are all getting along, things are going that smooth and the people are paying for it, thats when it's time to have the government implement some changes.