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Thread: A couple of questions, please help

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    A couple of questions, please help

    1) Does anybody know anything about Iran or Pakistan made steroids?? Any experience with them?

    2) Mainly I'd like to have access to Nolvadex and Winstrol, any suggestions on where online I could get it?

    3) This is the cycle I'm thinking of staring soon, what are your opinions on it? What do you all think about pyramids? Tapering off at the end of the cycle, I mean does it make a difference in helping your body start it's own testosterone production or not?

    250 mg Test. Enanthate every 7 days 3 times
    250 mg Test. Enanthate every 5 days 2 times
    250 mg Test. Enanthate every 3 days 2 times
    250 mg Test. Enanthate every 5 days 2 times
    250 mg Test. Enanthate every 7 days 3 times
    250 mg Test. Enanthate every 10 days 5 times

    That would make a total of 15 - 250mg viles which would work out well for me.

    A week or 2 later I though of staring clomid therapy as suggested on this website, but does anybody think the clomid therapy should start during the cycle?

    I want to stack Deca in with the Testasterone, any suggestions on what dosages to use?

    Lastly, how important is it to use Nolvadex with this cycle, and how much should I take?

    Thanks a lot, obviously I'm deployed right now and now that winter time is about to kick in I'll be able to hit the gym up consistently, I appreciate all your advice in advance and hope you're all enjoying the States, trust me when I say it's the best God damn country, it sucks balls out here.
    Last edited by marine newbie; 11-01-2009 at 10:49 AM.

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