Hey everyone, just dropping in as a new member to AR. I thought I would submit this Pic. At the time of the picture I was just getting ready to start my 4th cycle. This picture I was 190 pounds being just shy of 5'9. During my 4th cycle I injured my shoulder about 3/4 of the way through and had to take 6 month off. At the time of my injury I was weighing in at a solid 215, with very little water retension and still very lean. Today was my first day back to the gym, and let me tell you how bad this sucks to start over. I stepped on the scale weighing 169 pounds. I plan on breaking myself back in over the course or the next 4 weeks before I start my new cycle, which is sitting in front of me, calling my name..... I must wait, damn. Anyways I hope to gain a large portion of my weight back during this cycle, I am hoping to get back to 210 when all is said and done. Please dont flame me to bad here =(