Last saturday I had a rather major "roid rage" incident at work. Some arrogant fuck was riding my ass all afternoon, and I came about this ][ close to cramming his teeth down his throat. I just had to remove myself from the situation, so I went out back to our patio/beer garden and took out my anger on some cheap lawn furniture.

I was kicking some chairs around, and it felt pretty good. I started going for distance, and nearly got one over the fence. Then I saw an empty beer keg, hauled off and kicked it hard. Unlike the chairs, it didn't go flying. It fell over and rolled about 20 feet. I felt like falling over and rolling, too, 'cause I did something to my foot. I could still walk, but it sure didn't feel good. But that defused the rest of my pent-up anger, 'cause all I could do was stand there and laugh at myself.

Back inside, asshole was perfectly nice to me for the rest of the day. Maybe he sensed that it's not good to get someone angry who outweighs you by a hundred pounds, or maybe he had just had his fill of being an arrogant jerk.

Later, when I had a chance to assess the damages, I decided that I have a mild metatarsal fracture right behind the big toe. But just about everything below the knee on my right leg got stressed pretty hard, I'm still feeling twinges in the ankle and in the tib-fib area. I'm very lucky that I didn't outright break something. All my toes and joints have full mobility, but I can tell that the foot does not need to carry a full load of weight just now, or something might give.

So here I am, two weeks before the end of my cycle, and I've got a leg that's gonna be out of commission for a few weeks. I blame Majorpecs, it must be contagious.
