To you all who have run both tren a and npp before...

Ill try to keep this short. settin up my coming up 10 week cycle, was originally gonna consist of tren acetate, but then i remembered how bad it affected my endurance last cycle and i wasnt able to do ANY cardio. loved tren, but hated that aspect of it

i really want to give npp a go at some point and figure now would be a good time.

cycle will look something like this...

test acetate or prop 75mg ED (maybe less)
npp 70-80mg ED
(hcg and adex throughout and probably caber, i love it )

adding an oral here in the beginning, may give dbol another go round or tbol...still debating this but its not important

so, to those with EXPERIENCE, will NPP be similar to tren acetate on endurance/cardio? or will it not really affect it?

currently 203-206lbs 11% bf, most ripped i have ever been, been cuttin HARD