Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
T-3 burns fats, carbs and proteins so unless you are taking a lot of anabolics or GH I would skip the t-3.

I would take off 2 weeks while running 300 mgs of test (one injection per week) but do not go off completely or you will lose muscle. Then reload for 8 weeks using the EQ and TEST. Then you can do full pct since 20 weeks has passed.

A full pct is not neccesary until after at least 20 weeks of using anabolics. At that point it would be a good idea to go off everything and do a full PCT unless you are hardcore or doing a long drawn out cutting cycle for a show.


Hcg 2500 is every other day for 2 weeks
clomid 50 mgs twice per day for 4 weeks
nolvadex 20 mgs per day for 4 weeks
Just a couple questions, 1 is only running the eq for 8 weeks before deload ok? I have read you should run it 12-15 weeks? Then with the PCT a few post down I might have read it wrong but it said to do it post cycle making it 10 weeks off, is that correct?

Sorry if it seems like a uneducated question because it is, just want to do this to a tee. Thanks again for all your help.