Quote Originally Posted by IM708 View Post
Any benefits of taking with a simple sugar?
The concept is that you spike your insulin with a simple sugar like dextrose, maltodextrin, etc; it makes for a shuttling effect for the creatine. If there is a benefit it isn't significant enough to make a difference. This doesn't hold true for supplemental insulin. The only people I would suggest to take with a simple sugar like that is if they are an athlete who needs as much recovery as possible. Other than that it is a waste, after creatine is loaded all you are doing is maintaining your creatine stores. You don't need much creatine to maintain those levels and the body is very efficient when it comes to recycling what it already has.

IM708 - thanks for such an informative thread... would you please be able to help me with the quoted section?

from what i understand, creatine is transported by carbs? is that correct?

i have cell tech at the moment, and have grown to hate the taste.

so i am looking to buy a micronized creatine monohydrate....

ie. one where you just take a 5g serving (compared to cell techs huge servings, which includes 70g carbs...)

but (if my understanding is correct) you should have carbs with you pwo creatine?

in which case, i thought if i was to get a micronized creatine monohydrate, i should get something like dextrose or maltodextrin?

so my question:

are carbs necessary? what should i do...? buy a tub of non-fancy non-gimmick creatine, and take it with....?

thank you for your time mate