After going through a million threads, it was pulling teeth to find the answer to this question. I found it a couple times, and it seemed the general consensus was to stop taking HCG after the last pin of Testosterone (or whatever).
My last pin was on Monday, where I also shot 250iu's of HCG, which I have been running throughout (starting about 3 weeks into cycle).
I haven't noticed much atrophy.
I was all ready to take HCG 250iu's 2x/week for the last two weeks before my PCT, but I'm reading that you want to encourage endogenous production of Leutinizing Hormone instead of exogenously producing it with HCG. That, and you get more estrogen production.
But some people still seem to run it during the 2 weeks before their PCT.
For PCT, I read the Swifto sticky and I'll run 20mg Nolv/25-50mg Clomid ED for 5 Weeks with some Vitamin C in the morning for Cortisol reduction.
Any ideas?