29 Years Old
180 lbs
15% BF

BMR by both methods is 1840 or 1880
Not sure if i'm moderately active or very active so either 2850 or 3200

Trying to gain put some muscle on without gaining too much fat if possible

Running on an empty stomach 5 times a week for 30-45 minutes

Training 5 times a week

Protein Carbohydrates Fat Calories

9:00 AM 2 Bananas 2 54 0 210
1 Protein 38 3 3 205
50g Oats 5 30 4 175

Total 45 87 7 590

11:00 AM 4 Egg Whites 16 0 0 54
1 Whole Egg 6 1 4 70
125g Chicken Breast 30 0 3 135
50g Brown Rice 4 34 1.5 165
30g Low Fat Mayo 0 3 8 80

Total 56 38 16.5 504

3:00 PM 125g Chicken 30 0 3 135
50g Brown Rice 4 34 1.5 165

Total 34 34 4.5 300

5:00 PM GYM

6:00 PM PWO 2 Bananas 2 54 0 210
1 Protein 38 3 3 205
50g Oats 5 30 4 175

Total 45 87 7 590

7:00 PM PPWO 250g Chicken 60 0 6 270
50g Brown Rice 4 34 1.5 165

Total 64 34 7.5 435

10:00 PM 4 Egg Whites 16 0 0 54
1 Whole Egg 6 1 4 70
125g Chicken Breast 30 0 3 135
50g Brown Rice 4 34 1.5 165
30g Low Fat Mayo 0 3 8 80

Total 56 38 16.5 504

12:00 PM 4 Egg Whites 16 0 0 54
1 Whole Egg 6 1 4 70
125g Chicken 30 0 3 135
50g Brown Rice 4 34 1.5 165
1HandfullLettuce 0 0 0 6

Total 56 35 8.5 430

DAY TOTAL 356 353 67.5 3353
CALORIES 1424 1412 607.5

Any help would be greatly appreciated!