Hey guys starting my new cycle today, For u who followed my last one u would of seen i changed a LOT throughout my cycle in terms of size and shape but also lost a hell of a lot in pct. This time i am cruising with anavar and proviron for most of the weeks leading up to my next upcoming cycle. Im going to experiment a bit with this cycle and try to learn a few new things on the way.

Ive started my dbols today(5 days earlier than my test/tren) because i want to make sure of the quality as ive heard mixed reviews on blue heart dbols around here. Cycle goes like this;

Test cyp - 800mg (8 weeks)
Tri tren - 375mg (7 weeks)
Dbols 50mg weeks 1-2 and 6-8
Anavar weeks 10-15
Proviron weeks 10-15
Pct will be weeks 11-15 (hcg,nolva,clomid)

Then i will run my next cycle from week 17 or 18 depending on how i feel recovery wise. reason im sticking to short cycles is because i never gain after 6-7 weeks, that is also the reason why im runnin cycles for a little kick start again on week 6.

Will post a starting pic up tonight and weekly updated pics